Morning After by CzaPed

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Kei's note: This was written by my partner, Czary.

[Czary's note: Hello, guys. Sharing to you again the sequel to my one-shot fic entitled "Transparent." Before reading this fic though, please, please, if you still have not read "Transparent," please do so to fully grasp the story.]


Chayoung glanced at her watch. It's almost 1 in the afternoon and her partner, Mr. Vincenzo Cassano, the man who so carelessly drank last night has not yet made his appearance OR replied at the least to her text message.

"Can he really be still sleeping? He's been out since 1 in the morning. It's been 12 hours!" Chayoung muses, her face contorts in worry. She's overwhelmed with concern for her partner, her dear Cenzo, who just a few hours ago had basically professed his 'feelings' for her, albeit in his half sleep, alcohol-induced state. His slightly slurred voice echoing still in her mind, her memory taking her back to his apartment replacing the frown in Chayoung's face with a dreamy one.

'If you'd allow me, I want to wake up next to you every morning-' she recalls as Vincenzo spoke in his sleep.

"Believe me Cenzo, I tried. But I always end up on your coach or in your bed but never 'on' you." At that, Chayoung giggled, she was speaking to herself loudly, enjoying the solitary freedom as she had the whole office to herself because Mr. Nam was having a lunch out of the building.

And she wasn't finished yet, after all, Vincenzo said a lot last night, her brain memorizing each line but selected a few that 'tickled' its playful (a.k.a. wild) imagination the most. And so it replayed another line:

'I want to go back to the gallery, and kiss you again-'

"Oh Cenzo, why go back there? When we can kiss anywhere? I mean, with the traffic and all, here is fine. I'm okay with the office, in the car, in your place, my place, at the rooftop..." A heavy sigh follows. Her brain sensing her frustration moved on to another memory.

'I want you close to me, I want to touch you always-'

"Me too Cenzo. I never told you this, but I'm aware when you're not touching me. Funny right? It's the other way around. I feel at ease when you put your hands on my back or on my shoulder. And when you don't, I miss them, and I fight the urge to reach for your hand and place them back on me. Like now, I really miss you. When are you coming down anyway?!"

Chayoung's phone lights up, prompting her of a message in her inbox. Chayoung excitedly picks it up and presses the notification.

"Speaking of the devil." A smirk crosses her face that is wiped immediately as soon as she opened the message.


A single word, in capital letters, addressing her with full honors.

'What? Don't tell me, he doesn't remember anything? Are we really going back to the way things were before? No!' Chayoung's mind in disbelief and frustration, her fingers pressed firmly on her phone screen as she thinks of a better reply but can't think of any.


There. Let him know she can reply a one liner too, all caps as well.

A minute passes without a reply. This only irritated the female lawyer even more. "You're a tease Cassano, awake or drunk. I swear I'll kill you if you don't reply in the next-"

[Sorry, just got out of the shower.💦]

Chayoung had to bring her phone up close to her face. 'Is that a droplet emoji her partner has just used? Does Mr. Cassano know what that emoji is for? And why is he suddenly using emojis?'

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