Collide (Part 1) by CzaPed

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[Kei’s Note: First of all, happy birthday to our queen Jeon Yeo Been! She posted a lot of stories on her ig and I was happy that she updates on her socmed for her fans.

And second, this story was written by my partner @CzaPed. All credits go to her. She loves writing JeonKi/CenCha fanfics. She sometimes interact with readers here on wattpad, she’s most active in Facebook. I hope you enjoy this wonderful story written by her.]

(Contains mild mature scene)

An Arthdal Chronicles and Vincenzo Crossover Fanfiction


It felt hot, like being a step closer to the fiery pits of hell. Vincenzo woke up to the sensation of unsettling heat creeping into his skin. His eyes suddenly burned, like a flame was put out directly into his eyes. He squinted, adjusting to the light, or lack thereof. 

Where am I?’ Vincenzo wondered. He opened his eyes to the sight of what could possibly be a dungeon or a fortress. Walls dark and char-stained, illuminated by… torches?!

Where AM I?’ Vincenzo asked again, now in confusion. A state even to him is foreign because a consigliere never gets confused. Well, except for one certain female lawyer, ONLY she can get his mind go blank, confused with her mixed signals. But this ‘scene’ before him oddly enough does not feel like this female lawyer has anything to do about.

Vincenzo examines his surroundings, still frozen in his bed which he notices isn't even his.  Linens course to touch, and the surface is hard. He looked around, books piled on the floor, on shelves, everywhere. 

Merde! What is this place?’ He cursed. If this was an elaborate joke, he vows to inflict pain on Mr. Nam, only he has the penchant for props and custom plays. He swiftly spun his head around and a twirl of wavy, long hair moved together with his head. He pulled on it on instinct and instantly felt pain like a patch of hair is being pulled from his OWN scalp. Disbelief rising, Vincenzo reached for his hair and ran his hands through it, only to comb through his hair from his scalp ALL THE WAY down to his waist. 

Funculo!’ Vincenzo shouted, only no sounds were produced despite his attempt to move his mouth. His words trapped in his head. He tried standing up but couldn’t, he panicked as he felt himself unable to move altogether. ‘Funculo!’ His mind screamed again but this time sensed a greater concern: his head was throbbing painfully. ‘Funcu—’ Vincenzo cursed one last time as his vision blurred, consciousness fading away until he felt no more. Only darkness. It was all a dream.


“It’s almost afternoon, Mr. Cassano. Why aren’t you going down yet?” Chayoung answered Vincenzo’s call on its first ring.

“I think I’m sick Chayoung-ah,” Vincenzo replied at the end of the call.

“You ‘think’ you’re sick?” Chayoung ignored her partner’s sudden drop of honorifics, in any other instance, she would over analyze on the spot, but not at the moment though when she hears him stir on his bed. He really must be sick. ‘Poor Cenzo,’ she thought, feeling worried.

“Headache, nightmare, body pain, I think it must be the last cup of Makgeolli you served me Chayoung-ah, you trying to seduce me?” He teased. Choosing to downplay his discomfort.

He called me by my name again,’ Chayoung noted, half smiling, thankful Vincenzo hadn’t video called instead, or he would have seen the blush she’s having right now. “I’ll finish early okay? I’ll see you Cenzo.” She said, sounding sweetly, before adding “And there’s no need to seduce you, right Mr. Cassano?”

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