Ti Amo, Mio Adorabile Avvocatessa by Kei

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Ti Amo, Mio Adorabile Avvocatessa

Luca scratched his nape when he opened the door of the Capo’s office and found it empty. He loudly sighed. He turned around and made his way towards the direction where the master bedroom was located. Whenever his Capo is thinking of something deeply and he wants some peace, he usually goes to the room that was located on the right side of the master’s bedroom. The room was called the “special room” by the Cassano Famiglia mafioso because no one is allowed to enter that specific room except for the Capo and of course, to the right hand man which is him. “That” room was the Capo's resting place and he always told him that whenever he is inside of that room, he can think and decide clearly. Luca still remembers their conversation when Vincenzo asked him about his suggestion on the design of that room.

“She looks beautiful in black—Do you think it’s okay if we’ll paint it with black and gold?” Vincenzo Cassano asked him. Luca can’t help but to look at him with an astound expression. The Capo of Cassano Famiglia just asked him about the design of the room he always talked about. Vincenzo ordered him to secure this room because he has something to do with it. Luca was expecting that he will use it as his own storage room or as an office but he was surprised when Vincenzo told him that it will be a room for someone. He immediately thinks of someone who has the right to use the room beside the boss’ room. And well—the only person who can use that kind of room is either the most trusted person of the Capo or—the Cassano Famiglia’s Signorina, the wife of the Caporegime. As far as Luca can remember, Vincenzo is still not in a relationship with someone. But he wiped that thought out of his mind when he remembered what happened when he went to Korea to inform Vincenzo about what was happening to the famiglia. When they were in the plane, Vincenzo was silently looking at the fountain pen he was holding. He was also reading a weird book about befriending a bird. They were about to take off when Vincenzo suddenly told him that he thought of a better solution to their problem and ordered him to go back to Italy alone. Luca had no time to refuse when Vincenzo talked about his plan. After that, he watched him as he ran outside; he looked like he was in a hurry. Luca did mind him, as he was also busy thinking about what Vincenzo said before he ran out.

“Hong Cha-young needs me. I don’t want to put her in danger. I want to end this fight for her safety.”

Hong Cha-young.

And Luca just realized that the person who will be using the room is no other than Hong Cha-young, the female lawyer he met when he went to Korea.

“I think anything will do. I’m sure she will love anything as long as it was decided by you,” Luca safely answered Vincenzo’s question. Vincenzo just looked at him with his raised eyebrow. And then, he wandered his eyes in the room and crossed his arms over his chest. 

“Hm. Yeah, you’re right. I’m sure she will love anything but I want to give the best of the best to her. She deserves all of the best things in this world.” For the second time, Luca was shocked but he did not show it in order not to upset his Capo. He wanted to ask a lot of questions regarding the female lawyer. He wanted to know what’s the score between them but he chose to shut his mouth and keep his questions to himself. He just nodded his head to show his agreement. 

“The post card I told you to get?”

“Ah yes. It’s already on your table, Capo.” Luca blinked when he saw the small smile on Vincenzo’s face. Well, Vincenzo Cassano rarely smiles. Especially when he was still the consigliere, his face was void of emotion especially when he was having conversation with the late Paolo Cassano. Vincenzo gave a final look to the whole room before turning his back on it. He patted Luca’s shoulder and nodded at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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