Kill You Tomorrow by CzaPed

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[Kei: Hello! This one-shot story was written by my friend, Czaryna. She also wrote the one-shot story entitled "Transparent."]

Warning: Contains a mild mature scene.



Hong Chayoung looked at her surroundings, admiring the greenery and foliage of the vast complex of the East District Courthouse. The impressive judiciary complex was 'conveniently' situated on the northern side of an uneven landscape - creating the illusion that the building seats on top of a hill. Its grand staircase resembles that of European parliament buildings. Its pillars, wide and towering, signify a foreboding stronghold, and the whole building itself commands respect. Respect for the artistry itself of the building, respect for what the building stands for and respect for the people that hold office in it, the very same people that manipulate justice in their hands. At that, Chayoung smirks.

She has perched herself across the courthouse, a few hundred meters away, on the far end, where trees had overgrowth, not permitting much sunlight to penetrate the ground. So inconspicuous. It was perfect. The shade of the trees only made Hong Chayoung more invisible. Her noir vibe clothes blend well with her surroundings, it will soon blend well with the 'emotions' that her next actions will create.

Chayoung peered once again through the scope of her rifle. Her choice for today? A VSS Vintorez. A Russian compact precision rifle, famous for being as silent as possible, easily broken down and fitted in a suitcase, and most importantly, has precision to strike even at a distance of 400 meters. It is perfect for the job, Chayoung thought.

Chayoung detects movement in the direction of her rifle. The bastard has come out. She gave a wry smile. Prosecutor Jung In-Kuk has finally gone out of the building, reporters flocking him on the steps, and the latter looking smug, obviously pleased with the verdict.

"Don't move too much." The figure of her target moving in and out of the center of the scope of her sniper rifle. Chayoung's fingers steady, her body unflinching, but her breath surprisingly relaxed, just waiting for that moment when all the odds are right. And then Prosecutor Jung In-Kuk stilled, apparently concentrating.

"Good, good." Chayoung lightly presses her index finger to the trigger, but not enough to pull it, not yet.

"Today is the perfect day Mr. Prosecutor, the perfect day for you to die."

Chayoung moves to press her finger firmer when a sound of a gunshot was fired, beating her by a fraction of a second to pull her own trigger. The sound was like a deafening crack of thunder, startling the crowd on the steps of the courthouse. Chayoung herself was taken aback. Not because of the sound, but because she saw everything in her scope. Her target, Prosecutor Jung In-Kuk was shot in the head, from above, his body falling forward, blood gushing from the gaping hole in his head.

"Shit! Mission compromised!" Chayoung hurriedly disassembled her rifle, removed her outer clothing to reveal her casual clothes, packed up and got out of the scene.


The smell of freshly brewed Dolce Gusto wafts through the Jipuragi office. Mr. Nam Joo-Sung, the firm's paralegal prepares three cups of coffee for himself and the two lawyers in the firm, both of whom have yet to show up. They have a scheduled meeting at 1pm.

"Good afternoon Mr. Nam," greeted by the female figure who had just entered the office. Hong Chayoung, who a few hours ago had attempted to kill a corrupt prosecutor is also Lawyer Hong Chayoung. Daughter of the late Hong Yu Chan and now CEO of Jipuragi Law firm. She lives a double life, as a lawyer where she uses the law to seek justice, and as an assassin, cleaning out the scumbags who her 'employer' deem disposable: repeat grave offenders that are better off gone rather than sentenced to jail.

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