Buona Serata, Addio by YoungLadyKei

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[Kei’s note: While waiting for the update of “Collide” here’s a one shot fanfic of Vincenzo written by yours truly! Enjoy!]


She never demand anything from him. She always understands him, respect him and considered his situation. Even though she wants him to stay by her side, she never said it to him because she knows what his mind wants and where his heart belongs. It was never in Korea; it was never by her side. Even if they held a special place in each others’ heart, it was never enough for her to encourage him to stay and it was never enough to make him stay.

When Vincenzo Cassano left, Hong Cha-young told herself that it was okay. He needs to leave and she already knows that he will soon leave because he doesn’t belong in Korea. An Italian mafia lawyer whose hands were stained with blood, a man who ended the lives of men he considered evil, a man who delivered his prey toward their demise has no place beside the people who were just genuinely good, who were just standing for themselves and fighting for their rights. Vincenzo Cassano was no saint and he will never be. And the place where he belongs is the place where he can freely show his true self, the dark and vicious man who never flinches when he’s shooting his enemies, straight to their heads.

What Hong Cha-young saw was not his full dark side. She just had a glimpse of his true colors but she accepted him without judging him and urging him to change into someone Vincenzo Cassano doesn't want to.

And he was forever grateful to Hong Cha-young. As he walked through the darkness of life, he found his oasis, his light and his refuge. He feels safe with her embrace, it was like she was defending him from the monster-from the evil who wants to conquer him whole. She was his strength, the sole reason why he decided to fight against Babel. He will always come back to see her and to tell her how much he misses her. And he only got one chance to express his feelings to her every year.

Every year, Hong Cha-young was always looking forward to the day when Korea celebrates its diplomatic relationship with Italy. It was the day when the birds decided to make a bridge in order for them to meet each other. It’s the day when she will finally see the man she’s longing for. Hong Cha-young doesn’t have any problem when it comes to waiting for him once a year. She knows that he will arrive because that’s what he had told her. She believes in him because he’s Vincenzo Cassano, the man her heart decided to fully trust. The day when they can finally meet was one of the happiest days in her life. It was a short moment that feels like forever because she’s with the man she wants to spend her forever-her lifetime with. Their meeting may not last for a day but it was enough, standing next to each other and drowning themselves with each others’ presence was enough. Looking at each other's faces and noticing the changes; talking about their lives and sharing matters regarding them that happened in the whole one year they did not meet.

Hong Cha-young was standing two meters away from the painting “The Lovers” by René Magritte. It was the first painting that grabbed her attention as soon as she entered the gallery. The painting shows an image of a man and a woman that are trying to kiss each other but they are both separated by grey hoods, lips never meet and the cloth was dry and suffocating. They can’t see each other and they can not even kiss. What caught her attention was the hoods that were separating the two lovers. Hong Cha-young depicts it as the two were in love with each other but they were clearly separated because of some circumstances or they love each other but they clearly don’t know each other; both of them were hiding their true selves behind the grey hoods. She nodded her head as if she was agreeing to her thoughts. The painting has a lot of meaning behind it and it will depend upon the person who's looking at it. She decided to move on to the next painting beside it. It was the painting “Liberty Leading the People” by Eugène Delacroix. Hong Cha-young can't help but to smile when she remembered a certain event 5 years ago; it was the night when the Geumga tenants won over the group of people who were trying to destroy the Geumga Plaza. It was an historic night for them; it shows how courageous and brave they are. She closed her eyes, trying to reminisce about the exact event on that night.

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