Rest by YoungLadyKei

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"Where are you, Mr. Vincenzo Cassano?" Mr. Ahn placed his right hand on the head rest of his swivel chair. He sadly looked outside of his window, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Waiting for someone who was missing for 5 years.

"Bonjour!" Chef Toto was smiling widely while welcoming his customers. It was another busy day for him. It's been five years already; after successfully getting back the Geumga Plaza, the tenants were busy with their own life. Their own shop and store became well-known and a lot of people are visiting them. He walked towards the first table; a man wearing a black suit was sitting on the chair and he was busy looking at the menu. Chef Toto cleared his throat before speaking.

"Can I take your order, Sir?" he asked. The man looked up.

"I'll have Truffle Porcini Spaghetti," the man said. Chef Toto was dazed for a moment. His thoughts went back to the first day when that 'man' ate in his restaurant. He also ordered Truffle Porcini Spaghetti. Unfortunately he didn't like the taste even though Toto knew that it was delicious. Chef Toto took his complaint as a compliment. It was better that way.

"Sir?" Chef Toto snapped back to reality.

"Ah. Si-Si," he smiled.

Inside the Jipuragi Law Firm, loud zumba music can be heard. Mr. Nam was standing in front of the door of the firm, his hands on his hips. He really doesn't understand girls. They kept on doing weird things that no one could understand. And now, Hong Cha-young locked the door and loudly played zumba music. He couldn't enter the room so he decided to go to Mr. Tak.

Inside the Jipuragi Law Firm, Hong Cha-Young was standing beside her table while holding her bunny stick. She was still surprised by what she saw. She even paid no mind to the loud Zumba music playing.

"Yah, how did you get in here?" she asked the man standing in front of her. But the man was just staring at her, a clear admiration can be seen in his eyes. Hong Cha-young hissed and she nudged his cheek using her bunny stick.

"Don't just stare at me. Answer my question, Monsieur Cassano," she said. Vincenzo smiled.

"It's French, Miss Hong Cha-young," he corrected her. Vincenzo was wearing a black baseball cap, a red jacket and black pants. He was wearing a black mask earlier but he removed it. Now that Cha-young analyzed his appearance, she realized that his jacket was the same as the delivery man who always delivered the pizza they ordered. She looked at the center table and she saw a box of pizza. She smiled and looked at Vincenzo.

"Well, I never thought that they would not recognize you. They missed you badly so I thought that even if you wear a disguise, they will still know that it's you. Come on, I can recognize you even if my eyes are closed," Cha-young said and she smirked. It was a bit exaggerated but well, she can really recognize Vincenzo Cassano even though the latter is in disguise. Vincenzo chuckled.

"Really? You can recognize me even if your eyes are close?" he asked. Hong Cha-young said a lot but it seems like Vincenzo only heard the last sentence.

When she saw someone sitting on her chair, she was nervous at first. Who wouldn't be nervous? The first thing you see in the morning is an intruder in your office. She was about to scream but when the person sitting on her chair looked at her, she immediately recognized him even though he was still wearing the black mask. Due to reflexes, Hong Cha-young locked the door and decided to loudly play music. Well, she never expected that Zumba music would play but she didn't care about it. The important thing is no one should enter the room. The person sitting on her chair stood up and he removed his mask. Hong Cha-young walked towards him and that's how they ended up in their current position. They were just staring at each other while smiling, they were already happy because they were in each other's presence.

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