Collide Part 2 by CzaPed

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Kei's Note: Hello! Collide Part 2 is here! Thank you CzaPed for the update!


Saya paced back and forth in his living room as Chayoung sat on the carpet. She watched the latter speak words she can not comprehend, calling out names that are ancient sounding to her, and reciting a litany of words that sounded like teachings from the old world. She was waiting on him as she was ordered to do. She glanced at the time on her wrist watch, it was 9 in the morning. Mr. Nam must be wondering where she and Vincenzo could be.

'What if Mr. Nam comes here? Saya might attack him! No, he can't come in here!' Chayoung thought. She can not endanger anyone she knows. If she were to figure this out and bring Vincenzo back, then she would have to make Saya understand that this world he is in, is not that 'Arthdal' he is looking for. She must speak now and face Saya's irritation to her rather than be a prisoner in her own world.

"Saya," Chayoung hesitantly said.

"What?!" Saya sneered.

"This world, uhm, that you are in now is the present," Chayoung started to explain, choosing her words very well.

Saya faced her, crossing his arms. "Go on. Let me hear how you lace your lies, you peasant."

Chayoung continued, ignoring how he regards her. "This is the modern times, we are surrounded by technology."

"Witchcraft. We are surrounded by witchcraft," Saya corrected her.

"No, Saya," Chayoung bravely opposed. "People invented things to make life easier. What you see now are all inventions that we use to make life easier. If you want to figure this out, you must let me help you. Because I am from this... world."

"And why should I believe you? You said it yourself, you are a dweller of this...this world! You have knowledge on the inner workings of the contraptions and inventions you have. And you will use them against me!" Saya towered over her, tilting her head with a pointed finger.

"You should believe me because I'm the only one who 'believes' in you Saya," Chayoung spoke while she felt a hint of pain as Saya's nail pressed on her. "We must look for answers outside these walls, outside of this place-"

"And lure me to my death?!"

"No! I want you to see for yourself that the world has changed, that I can help you go back to being yourself," Chayoung said, hoping she can convince Saya. If this was magic, then a shaman might be able to help them. Maybe, they can visit a temple and the merciful Buddha will have pity and bring Vincenzo back. Or maybe, she was the one who needed intervention-her mind playing tricks on her and a visit to a shrink will put things back to perspective. She attempted to look at Saya's eyes directly, gauging if he accepts the idea but his face was blank. He just looked at her. Chayoung didn't know if it was a good sign or not but she decided to go on.

"We can go outside so that we can look for a person that can help us understand how you came to this world. We can go outside for you to see our office downstairs and meet our friends when it's time. And I would really like to go outside as well. I need to take care of documents in the office and buy you supplies and get some clothes at my-"

"Stand up," Saya commanded. Chayoung nervously did so but she masked it with a faint smile towards Saya. Chayoung has always regarded herself as a strong, brave woman but Saya's presence in Vincenzo's body makes her submissive. Her natural tendency to accommodate Vincenzo was her weakness and trying to fight Saya may result in her demise or worse, Chayoung would accidentally, unintentionally hurt Vincenzo, should Saya attack her and she acted in self-defense. Such twisted priority she has, but it was love. Would you physically hurt the person you love? No, never.

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