19- why is the rat holding that?

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I went up stairs to check on Ranboo, he wasn't...

He wasn't in there? I looked around to see if he took his stuff. He took his bag.. but not his memory book. Did they take him, or he went with them? I started getting worried, so I decided to look all through the whole house.

-Time skip-

I gave up, and made a sandwich. I went to take a bite, but P/n took my damn sandwich, what's their deal. I look at them to see a rat? Why does that rat have a sword? What the fuck???

99 words hah

Also I'm doin' funny pictures now

𝚁𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎 (Technoblade x Male;Reader)Where stories live. Discover now