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Techno glanced at me and climbed to his room. I continued reading greek mythology, I got to the chapter about hades and Persephone. It was quite interesting.

My stomach growled and it seemed techno heard because he peeked his head downstairs. "Are you hungry?" He asked in an innocent voice. I nodded while stretching. I put Michael beside me.

Techno climbed down, go further down, and came up with a chicken. "Is this good?" He asked in a plain tone. He handed it to me and left back upstairs. I slowly ate the chicken feeling odd like something not natural. I laid my head next to Michael's after eating the chicken. I fell asleep feeling exhausted from eating. I am quite disappointed that eating made me so exhausted.

128 words

So someone suggested something happen to him so yeh that's what I'm doing

And I'm watching oliver & company it's pretty good :3 have a good day/night/morning

𝚁𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎 (Technoblade x Male;Reader)Where stories live. Discover now