Chapter 2

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"Hunting accident."

"You have a lot of accidents."

"Yes, I'd recommend not becoming one," Rax says, smiling sharply at me now as he closes the door to Kaisa's room.

"Is that a threat?" I ask, thoroughly amused.

"Let's call it a polite invitation," he says, shrugging off his coat and hanging it over one arm. He's wearing all black underneath it, but more interestingly a set of knives across his chest. He has a bastard sword on one hip and an offhand on the other. By the way he moves, I'm sure he knows how to use them well.

"So how does one get to be the prince's bodyguard?" I ask, following him as he leads me down yet another hall.

"By being charming, here," he says, pulling a paper from his pocket, "This is a map of the castle. On that side, labeled, are the restricted areas, that's the family's private wing just there, that's where we are."

"Why are some parts restricted?"

"We respect legends, and the wishes of the dead. The late Princess Maija is said to walk these halls," he says, walking on, "For that reason, it is best not to wander about after midnight. Get wherever you plan on going before then."

"Where I plan on going?" I ask, amused, as I study the map he gave me. My ring throbs with magic. He's literally leaking it. He's the court mage? After the wars all courts were supposed to give up their in house mages. But, doesn't mean they did. No wonder they keep him around, even with the limp.

"I care very little what you do with your spare time, nor does anyone else here Olavin, it's entirely up to you who and what you spend your night with, just don't get murdered."

"Is that what happened to the Princess?" I ask.

"You ask many questions for someone who wants to live a long time."

"Well? Rumer is she didn't have the plague."

"Well, I was indisposed at the time of her death, so I really wouldn't know," he says, exactly like he killed her. He stops at a set of doors, "These are the women's quarters, our head housekeeper will find you a room. Should you use it is up to you."

"You don't think I'll use it?" I mean I won't, but.

"What I think is you think Ilarians are more trouble than you're worth," he says, opening the door for me, "Good day."

"What's your last name?" I ask, well aware I haven't told him my name.

"Nothing to do with you. I'd recommend you prepare for dinner, Ilara, it's our custom to accompany our charges to dinner."

"Handmaidens do that?" I ask, since they usual prepare their lady's evening things.

"Bodyguards do, don't take me for an idiot, Ilara, I know much of your people and I'm well aware that despite federal regulations that's a magical pendant on your neck," he hisses, "I'll see you at dinner."

"Looking forward to it," I really want to get in a fight with him but Kaisa will kill me herself if I challenge someone to a duel on our first day. I step into the women's quarters, studying the map he gave me. It surprises me, it's hand drawn with crude handwriting:

 It surprises me, it's hand drawn with crude handwriting:

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