Chapter 11

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"See? I've pulled five memories---literally his entire life all he does is walk around having pointless conversations with his body guard," I say, as we stand in the corner of the dining hall, sipping cups of weak, bland tea, and watching as Prince Eero tries to punch his crippled body guard who is holding his youngest child. The older child is using jam to make a mural on her father's back it looks like at the body guard's encouragement.

"Must be nice," Essie says, examining her tea. She had a lovely time last night found monsters and everything. "Rax is my partner in crime now though; I think I'm quite fond of him."

"Not two minutes ago you said you thought he killed the last Princess," I sigh.

"I still think that. Doesn't mean I don't think he's cool."

"That's just 'cause he fought some monsters with you."

"Excuse you, that's a great reason to think someone's cool."

"Why do you think he killed the last princess, though?" I ask.


"Because he was in love with her? Really? Wouldn't somebody have thought of that."

"No. Not because he was in love with her," she says, really slowly.

"Why then?" I ask, "What other jealousy---why are you raising your eyebrows at me?"

She shrugs.

"What you think they're queer?" I whisper, "What both of them? Together?"

She shrugs.

"Oh hells bells," that would explain some behavior. A lot of behavior.

She nods a little.

"You know this for a fact?"

She shakes her head no.

"Wait, then he'll want to kill me then?!"

She nods.

"I don't want to be murdered! I don't even want the dumb prince it's not MY idea I'm here," I hiss.

"I know that---look this may not be true."

"But you think it is?"

Essie nods.

"I thought you liked him!"

"I do like him; I think he's cool that has nothing to do with him almost definitely being a murderer."

"Why do you say almost definitely?"

"Well, the ghost came after us didn't it? Ghosts know who killed them."

"We're all gonna die."

"Nu-uh I've always wanted to kill a ghost."

"You can't kill ghosts."

"You're just saying that because nobody ever has. I'll be the first," Essie says, licking treacle off of her scone, "Why do you think they put fish with everything?"

"We now live in a sea-faring nation," I growl.

"Well it's a ghost-faring nation apparently nobody's even talking about the bear at dinner. I say we look in the library, and at the observatory more carefully."

"I have a dress fitting all morning."

"Ew, that'll be boring for you."

"You're required."


"I'm requiring you," I say, haughtily, "I want someone to make sarcastic comments to in Illarian. What am I supposed to do if you're not there?"

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