Chapter 28

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"I don't—"

"On the DAY of MY wedding---"

"What did I---?"

"How could you put your hair in a bun? How could you? When you the know the kind of stress I'm under?" Eero actually sobs, covering his face.

"I'll take it down if that would make you feel better," it was getting long. So I tied it up. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Clearly I was wrong.

"Don't you DARE," Eero says, walking over to kiss me strongly on my lips.

"Okay," I mumble as I let him kiss me. He's half dressed in his dark pants and just a thin white shirt that'll go under his dress shirt and coat.

"Absolute idiot," he says, kissing me a few more times, "Now go away, I have to get ready----"

"Okay, fine—"

"No wait stop come back--- how are the girls?"

"Which?" we have two sets of girls now. It's an issue.

"The little tiny ones."

"They're well, bouncing around and being happy to be all dressed up," I say. They get to be flower girls. It's very adorable. They go off before the main ceremony but even so they still like it. "The nannies are at their wits end trying to do their hair. The grown up girls threw things at me when I tried to walk in the room so it's safe to say they're well."

"Good—no don't go in there it's bad luck—"

"You're the one getting married."

"Saints don't remind me---seriously on the day of my wedding when you're aware of how upset I am that is when you decide to become more impossibly adorable than you already were by putting your little hair in a little bun and letting little bits of it fall around your little face?"

"Yes? I didn't think it was that significant---?"

"Well you thought wrong. Anyway---how's Maku?"

"Still not talking to me other than to be cross, which is his right. But. He's not thrilled we still can't figure out who killed Maija but the thing is, neither did he," I say, shrugging, "We're not dealing with him right now. Right now we're getting you through the wedding."

"Right, right. This is fine."

"Yes, this is definitely fine."

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