Chapter 17

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Breakfast is a hurried affair. Everyone is getting ready for the bonfire later tonight. And immediately after breakfast I have to go and start getting ready so that I can be ready to go at noon which is when the festivities start. Noon being an hour or so before sun set.

"Can I speak with you privately?" I ask Prince Eero, moving directly next to him as he piles scones on his plate.

"Yes, ah—come to my quarters after breakfast," he says, nodding when he sees the concern on my face. "Are you all right?"

"I just need to talk to you. Alone."

Alone means with Rax and Essie standing outside the door probably listening. They might bicker, but they're probably listening.

"Yes?" Prince Eero asks, once he closes the door. Both Rax and Essie thought they were coming in it. We both told them no then they tried to walk in anyway. Prince Eero herded them out like puppies.

"About last night----has that ever happened before?" I ask, taking a deep breath.

"What?" he asks.

"The ghost."

"What? What ghost?" he asks, frowning.

"The lady in white---who attacked Liala last night," I say.

"What---? What do you mean---- why didn't you tell anyone? Did you tell anyone? Is she all right?---?" he's about to rush past me to leave. I stop him.

"You were there---you attacked the ghost and it went away---don't you remember?" I ask.

"I was not there—I assure you must have me confused with someone else," Prince Eero says, frowning.

"You are my fiancé I am well aware it was you---go ask your daughters," I say.

"I intend to," he says.

Essie and Rax immediately follow us and get closed in a door again. Then one more time when they try to casually enter while we kick out the nannies.

"Angels, did something happen last night?" Prince Eero asks, coming into their little play room. They're getting a few hours of fun before bonfire night, which they apparently get to participate in.

"No," both girls say, quickly.

"Liala, then how did you get those marks on your arms?" I ask. Cuts, mostly healed now, but the scratches are still there. "Identical to mine?" I hold up my arm.

"I didn't," she mumbles, tears on her face.

"You're not in trouble, tell me," Prince Eero says, kneeling down to examine her arm.

"You told us not to tell," Leena says. "Mummy came back again."

"I told you what?" he asks.

"Again?" I ask.

"She wants to take us away with her she says. Someplace nice. But you said never ever to go," Laila says, "And she hurt me."

"And then what happened?" I ask.

"Daddy saved me," Liala says.

"And he stayed with us all night to make sure that mummy didn't come back."

"Yes that's good we don't go anywhere----let me talk to my fiancé a minute---?" he takes my arm and guides me to the corner of the room. His hand is sweating. "I swear to you I told them no such thing and nothing happened last night."

"Yes it did—"

"I believe you---what I'm saying is I wasn't there," he hisses.

"Yes you were---are you right handed?" he took my arm with his right. And he approached me from the front he could have used either hand.

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