Chapter 31

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Olivan castle is bright and warm on my fifth summer here in the north. There are loads of festivals, for longest days, for harvests, for hunts. The castle bustles, alive with activity. The sun sets for barely two hours these days, and leaves the world still glowing with light even when it doesn't dare peek above the sea.

It's magical here in the summer. Plants grow at alarming rates, animals team in the fields, the trees and grass glow a sort green you didn't think existed. It's like the entire world is in bloom, and this year my belly is no exception. I'm just pregnant enough to show through even the most forgiving of dresses, something that's exciting apparently for the entire nation. But, round as I am, the child won't come until fall, probably after the first snow, just in time to be born under the lights.

I'm not afraid of a few extra curses. I can already feel the magic glowing in me as my baby learns to move and kick. He's trouble already, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Wake up," I say, pushing Essie who still has a head over her pillow. The light bothers some more than others, especially when they relish creeping in dark corners and scaring people.

"Why?" she mumbles.

"Baby's moving," I say, pressing my face against her cheek. She smells like cotton, and the oil she uses on her swords, and most of all, home.

"Oh really? Clever thing," she says, sitting up a little. I put her hand on my belly which sags now over my thighs as I sit up. "Just, I almost feel him. Why do you think it's a he anyway?"

"Because I think it's high time Olivan had a good curse running around in it," I say, getting out of bed fully to finish getting dressed.

"You know the Queen hates it when you say things like that," Essie says, amused.

"I know, that's at least half the reason I say them. Come on, I want a walk before breakfast," I say, picking up a handful of almonds from my bedside table.

"No fair, you're already eating."

"I'm always eating there is no 'already'," I remind her, amused, as I pocket the snack. It's true I'm hungry all the time these days. Extra magic from the baby as well as the baby makes me sick and my stomach constantly empty.

"That's true, it'll be a chubby baby that's good. Has it occurred to anyone at all it's going to be a brown little thing and not blond haired and blue eyed?"

"I highly doubt it, we'll consider it a surprise," I say, finishing with my headwrap and adjusting my dress. Even with the bodice cut just below my breasts, my belly still bulges out these days. And my breasts are noticeably firmer and swollen. If I weren't so fond of the cause already, I'd hate how uncomfortable I feel in my own skin.

"Please be in your room for once," that's how Rax usually knocks on the door.

"Come in," I say, rolling my eyes just as soon as he can see me.

"I'm supposed to remind you Lord So and So from Someplace Very Important is coming today so you're required for luncheon in a suitably presentable dress however the 'little hooligan children' are not," Rax says, leaning in the doorway lazily.

"I can't, I'm sick I'm with child," I say, immediately.

"She can't she's sick can't you see she's with child?" Essie asks, petting my stomach delicately.

"You say that all the time," Rax says.

"I don't want to meet with boring people all the time, especially now they just stare at me like they expect the baby to pop on out," I say, hand over my stomach, protectively. Little nuisance is acting like he wants come on out too, the way he wiggles around.

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