Chapter 3

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My rooms are expansive, with huge windows that overlook the courtyard, high plush rugs on the floors, and lush sofas and cushions everywhere. The girls have the fires glowing beautifully, and my trunks were left to be unpacked while I'm at dinner. There are two bedrooms, one a bit smaller than the other, with a smaller bed. A future nursery? I suppose it would be nice to have the babies close though in Ilara the children stay with their parents until they're weaned or older, royalty or no. Here, though, I've read it's different.

There's a record player in my room with an assortment of records. Their staff is quite good. the bathroom is stocked with soaps and creams that smell nice, and there is a tray of nuts by the bedside table. There are soft fluffy slippers as well as several luxurious coats in the closet already, along with several thick robes. I'm used to my traditional wraps and dresses, but up here I'm thinking I may want to give in to the bulky sweaters and thick down skirts that hang waiting in the closet. I hope none of it belonged to the poor dead princess that would be sick. I would assume not, everyone has been very nice.

I hear a noise.

A faint skittering sort of noise like a little mouse.

I walk back into the room slowly. Yes, there was definitely a noise. A little giggling.

"Come out," I say, smothering a grin, "I hear you in there."

Too little girls pop out from underneath the bed. They have wide blue eyes and soft gold hair. They're dressed in matching pink sweaters and thick trousers, which makes me laugh. I've never seen a girl in trousers before. One is clearly a bit older than the other but aside from that they match perfectly. Their hair is light and so pale it's almost white, and it is braided back neatly behind their heads and tied with soft pink ribbons that match their sweaters.

"Hello, you must be the princesses," I say, trying to hide my obvious amusement.

"Hello, you're the princess who's going to be our new mummy?" the little one asks, eagerly.

"Yes—I am, my name's Kaisa," I say, "What are your names?"

"I'm Laila, and this is Leena," the older one says, politely, "We're not supposed to meet you until tomorrow but we were very excited."

"I'm glad you came I'm really excited to meet you," I say, smiling at their enthusiasm, the driver was right they are precious.

"Yes we made you a present!" the little one holding out a pressed flower, "it's a forget me not. They're good luck up here."

"Yes don't go out of your room at night. Bad things happen out in the dark daddy says," the bigger one—crap Laila? ---says. Who thought of naming two little identical children similar names? That's an awful thing to think probably their poor dead mother.

"Duly noted, thank you," I say, taking the pressed flower. Why is everyone so insistent we don't leave the rooms? No matter, I'm sure Essie has eighteen plans all of them involving leaving the rooms at night.

There's a rapping at the door.


"Don't swear—"

"That's Rax's knock it's all right he won't have anyone spank us," Laila says, tugging her sister to the door.

"But he might not be alone," Leena is trying to hide.

"No, I won't let them spank you," they probably shouldn't run about unattended though. I open the door a bit.

"Your Royal Highness Princess Kaisa, your presence is requested across the castle because people like having me walk back and forth when I can't walk----really? Just really?" Rax says the last bit very tiredly as the girls scamper out to climb on him. He's small, shorter than me, yet the clamber up his back easily and he doesn't falter or deny the them the ride.

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