Chapter 9

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"But daddy it's true!"

"Why are you saying you didn't ask us to go?" Leena is near tears.

"You must've been confused, I didn't say that. It's fine; I'm not mad. Get some sleep now," I say, tucking her in for the eighth time.

"Night daddy," Liala is already crying. I put them both into my bed. I'm not leaving them in the nursery after that. Some spirit, whisking them way. I know I'm paranoid. But for good reason.

"Get some sleep," I say, brushing their hair out of their faces.

"Love you, daddy," Leena says, soft cheeks red from crying.

"I love you too—I'm not mad. Just get some sleep now it's late," or rather early. It's the early hours of the morning saints above. One normal day. That's all I ask. I don't get it.

I adjust another blanket around them then straighten up, sighing. The light's on in the bathroom. The night isn't over yet.

"I don't know why I came in here. I don't want to know," I say, walking into the bathroom, where Rax predictably sits on the counter, mumbling spells as he tries to get a frozen sock off his foot. It finally comes free and he tosses it to the ground in disgust.

"Know what? Had a pleasant evening?" the cheeky devil asks, finishing with his foot and leaning back innocently.

"Never mind, I do want to know now---any special reason you look like you've been through a meat grinder?" I sigh, rubbing my face.

"None whatsoever, I had a relaxing bath and read a book. How was your evening your Royal Highness Prince of this land—"

"You're clearly injured—those are claw marks."

"I always look like this."

"You're hurt here," I say, putting a hand on his chest, just letting my fingers play over the scar. "And here---and here---you're cut here as well---these'll be bruises by morning. Heal yourself, you stupid thug."

"I can't. I'm spent."

"You're never spent."

"I'll---keep," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Those little girls in there won't if something happens."

"By royal decree I demand you heal yourself."

"No, you'll have to execute me," he says, kissing me strongly, I put my arms around his neck as gently as possible as I feel the ridges of scars forming on his skin.

"You're a hazard to yourself as well as society," I say, pressing my forehead against his, "You really not gonna tell me what happened?"

"Nothing, it was just my mother—messing with me. As usual. Also I saw Maija again, she left," he sighs, deeply, then coughs. I put my hands on his shoulders then think better of it when they come back covered in blood.

"You really need to heal yourself."

"I really need to kiss you," he says, leaning forward and kissing me again. His lips taste of his own blood.

"You're a mess," I say, putting a hand gently through his hair to, for once, smooth it out of his face so I can look in his eyes. He hides himself all the time, I want to see him. I know it's just me, but I do. I just like looking into his eyes. They're deep and dark and the longer I look the more he smiles. And he doesn't smile enough.

"How'd it go with the new princess? Nothing odd?"

"No—I forgot I'm mad at you! I told you not to escort them in or talk to them. What did you say?" I say, annoyed, wiping blood from my hands onto my pants.

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