Chapter 16

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My patrol proves to be entirely boring. Rax refuses to split up. Either he's trying to hide something or he feels responsible for me. Anyway, neither his mother nor our ghost causes any problems tonight. Not for me anyway. It turns out Kaisa had all the fun tonight.

"Where's our 'welcome to murderville' letter?" I asks, after reading the letter she found. We're sitting on her bed waiting for the breakfast bell.

"I don't know---there are dozens more, all the same handwriting, the prince's--- all looked like love letters," Kaisa says, shaking her head, "Something isn't adding up though."

"And why did the ghost try to take the baby?" I ask.

"It's hers---that did make sense if she believes this place is---whatever, then taking her child with her, even to the other side, is plausible," Kaisa says, shrugging.

"And why was the Prince a jerk about it?" I ask, "You were helping--- what does he expect? Not to ever have to talk about it?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to talk to him today. I mean, he was understandably upset after watching his daughter almost be murdered—but if I'm to stay all this bears an explanation," she says.

"I don't think you should stay," I say, "This is getting more and more dangerous—a haunting over a murder is one thing—actually kidnapping people is another. Also---what the actual hell is he talking about?" I hold up the letter.

"Yeah—that's a whole lot of nothing, isn't it?"

"More than a little—the walls hold a past or whatever---sounds like he's trying not to tell her something."

"Well, I don't hold out much hope he'll want to tell it to me. But maybe if I question him I can steal more pertinent memories."

"Maybe. Maybe we should just go," I say.

"How? There's no way in and out without their—"

"Cars, you say that like I haven't stolen one before," I say, folding my arms.

"It's been snowing all night---and we don't have any maps—"

"Uh yes I do, I have an escape plan at all times that's why we're still alive," I say, proudly, "I can get us out of here."

"Let's not---overreact—"

"You about got killed last night---I about got killed the night before but that was kind of on me—"

"Not completely, we've both been in a fight with the ghost—but why was she so peaceful yesterday afternoon?" Kaisa says, shaking her head.

"I don't know but—the gist of this letter is that seeking answers may be dangerous," I say, shaking my head.

"Let me talk to the Prince today—see what he says and if I can get a more useful memory. It's worth the try," she says, shrugging, "Then yes I'm not opposed to running."

"Do you really think the walls have ears?" I can harness magic, anyone can with training, but I'm not like her. I can't sense things.

"I don't know what to think," she says, sighing, "I'm exhausted, and now tonight's bonfire night."

"Which basically means we have to stand through an eight hour long engagement party after which you're traditionally supposed to go kiss your husband but that apparently isn't happening and given the past twenty four hours I'm not letting you out of my sight," I say. It was explained in our welcome letters that on the night of the bonfire is the last time the groom and bride see each other before the wedding in a few days time.

"If I go off with my fiancé you'll---you know what, no, don't let me out of your sight, this is ridiculous he's not even getting a private conversation tonight if I don't get some answers," she says.

"No, he's not, I'm hanging around no matter what—this is all way too weird," I say.

"Did Rax know anything at all helpful?"

"Not really---he confirmed basically anyone COULD get in there and take care of the plants, if they wanted to. The keys aren't totally locked up or whatever. But he did know Maku, which was interesting he confirmed what you saw—that they basically grew up together here. He also knew you had probably seen it," I say.

"Great. Well, he was bound to sense my second sight, with as much magic as he has. Did he say how he died?"

"Yeah, he wasn't hiding anything---he said Maku died of exposure, that he got locked outside the palace somehow. He said that he and the Prince weren't here, since it was the late princess's funeral," I say.

"That checks out—they would have gone to her home town for the funeral, so he's being honest if only because he knows I can do some fact checking---yet he didn't have to help you get into the forbidden rooms. He did make you conveniently absent for the haunting tonight---but he helped you last night."

"Last night could have been to win my trust. I don't trust anyone here," I say.

"Neither do I. But Rax is still 50/50 on our side, he hasn't directly with-held information. Anyway. We'll both know more after tonight. I'm getting something out of Prince Eero."

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