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Taehyung's the new guy from intelligence. He's been visiting the hospital everyday since hoseok got admitted. He had to interrogate every soldier involved in the final operation to gather intel and hoseok was the only one left who might have something useful for him.

Also, the guy's old friends with lieutenant park and likes to pester people for fun.

"Lieutenant," hoseok speaks, his voice still groggy and a bit frail.

"captain!" Jimin replies immediately, standing up from his seat which was next to hoseok's bed.

"Are you okay? you look lost," hoseok asks.

They were having light conversations about fun things to do in life for everyone to cheer up after taehyung had interrogated hoseok and sent all the details to his seniors.

"yes sir!"

"you can relax, jimin"

"sir!" he replies in his bold voice, making hoseok laugh. Taehyung pulls jimin by his hand, dragging him down to his seat with a thud and puts his arm around jimin's neck in a friendly headlock, totally unbothered by the soldier's fractured side.

"this friend right here is a brave soldier, sir," taehyung starts in a proud tone, "first he gets injured real bad and then gets dear johnned," and ends with a giggle.

"what's that?" Asks hoseok.

"when our brave lieutenant came back from work with a lot of broken bones, his girlfriend broke up with him"

Jimin looks away, scratching his head to avoid his embarrassed face.

"Oh no lieutenant," hoseok empathizes, "you need to lie down. someone get him a bed," he jokes.

Jimin lets out an embarrassed laugh, hiding his face with his hand shyly.

"the hell did u do to make her leave you like that?" hoseok asks astonishingly.

"it was a mutual decision, sir," jimin replies, still a bit shy about having conversations about his life with his senior. "we both have hectic jobs and we couldn't really connect with each other anymore. it was going nowhere," he adds to explain his situation.

"Im sorry you had to go through this, lieutenant," hoseok speaks after some seconds of silence. "hope you find someone you can connect with no matter where you are in the world," he adds with a comforting smile.

"Thank you sir"

"We're always here for you," hoseok speaks to comfort his comrade, knowing how field experiences can affect soldiers' mental healths and relations. "and you don't have to pretend to be an unbothered stone just coz you're a soldier. always remember that or your feelings will just affect you and your work. take steps to ensure you've learned and healed from your experiences," he advises looking at jimin from his hospital bed.

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