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His sister enters hastily knocking herself a few times over a chair or a stool, eager to meet hoseok. Her eyes get moist as she looks at him.

She didn't know if she was happy to see him awake or sad about the condition he was in. It was obvious how overwhelmed she was.

"I'm so happy you're okay-

"yeah whatever, where is my brother in law?" He retorts earning a squint from her, "Come on man, don't tell me my pal's not here," he receives a gentle smack on his injured shoulder.

"Just kidding, I don't care about him," he attempts to lighten the mood with his smile.

"what did you say?"

"AYEEEE!" He yells and winces, earning a glare from you for being loud again. "get out ladies, my favorite person's here!" He chirps, referring to his brother-in-law.

Hoseok keeps glancing at you as he talks with his favourite people. He notice you still didn't open up to many people.

He feels special to be the only person you share a lot of words with. But it also worries him. Do you have things you don't talk about? Do you hesitate to talk about certain feelings and just live with them?

He hoped you got closer to his sister. Or maybe just found a friend you could trust.

What do you do when he's not there to listen?


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