Is Jisoo that oblivious?

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The pandemic crushed us hard. We were supposed to have another world tour this year but it all went down the drain. YG told us there might be an online concert but that is still up to further discussion.

There is only Jisoo and me in the dorm. We decided to have our lockdown together. Jisoo could have just go back home with her family but she don't want me to be left alone.

More reason to love her I guess.

Yes. I do love her like head over heels in love with her. She doesn't knows yet. Jennie had always said Jisoo is a bit oblivious when it comes to things regarding the heart.

Did I drop hints? A lot thats even the Blinks notice something is up.

Mostly they just notice how I am in love with Jisoo.

I meant I couldn't hide it.

I just finished playing guitar in my room and I am so bored. Jisoo is in the game room. Playing PUBG again I guess. She is addicted to that thing.

I decided to ask her to play with me. Just feels like I need some attention from her.

I walk to the other room standing quitely at the door watching Jisoo playing ethusiasticly on the PC. She didn't even notice me at the door so I walk closer and stand right behind her back.


"Die you bishh....Oh God that's a close one."


"Oh yeahhh winner winner chicken dinner!!! In your face username Chick_peas!"



Jisoo finally turns around.

"You startled me. Wae...What happend?"

"I'm bored."

"Ahh...I always ask you to play with me but you don't want to."

"I can't play that. I don't know how."

"Come. I'll show you. Sit here."

"That's your lap unnie."

"Yeah and so. Come here."

"Okay okay. Wait."

Did she just ask me to sit on her. The Kim Jisoo. I will sit on The Kim Jisoo.

Jisoo drags me down making me sit on her lap. I was facing the monitor. It was a bit awkward since I am a lot taller than her.

"Aish Chaeng. Did you grow taller again?"

Jisoo turns her head to my left shoulder and rest her cheeks there. She grabs both of my hand and put the controller in my hands. Letting me hold them while her fingers guided where I should place my own.

Suddenly, I feels too warm and maybe hot and bothered in some places.

Jisoo was showing me how to control and how to shoot but my mind was going to other places. How soft her hands are. Her breath on my shoulder and how it makes me feels content.

How I really love sitting in her arms as it makes me feel safe.

The controller was on my laps and every movement it almost rub the places I want her to touch me the most. Oh no I'm getting horny. Slow down Park Chaeyoung. She is like your sister. Oh God that is just wrong.

"Chae....Chae...Do you understand now?"

Jisoo ask.

I was in a dazed. Not because of the question but because of the situation. Jisoo has stop playing and was rubbing my thigh to get my attention.

Why did I wear shorts again today?

"Park Chaeyoung?"

"Ye..ah unnie...I'm okay...Just bit lost."

"You ok Chae? You look flushed."

Jisoo try to touch my cheeks and I blushed harder.

"Oh you are beet red Chaeng. Come. I will wet a towel to cool you down."

"God if only you know what is wet right now Jisoo."

She drags me to her room asking me to lay down and quickly run to the toilet to wet the towel.

I just wait patiently on the bed.

I close my eyes for a moment and feels sudden coldness on my head. Jisoo was gently trying to cool off my head.

I grab her wrist to stop what she was doing. She looks so breathtaking from this angle. Jisoo is basicly beautiful in any angle. I don't know where the sudden courage comes from that I get up and plant a small peck near her lips.

Jisoo's eyes widen, shocked at my boldness.

I tried to ran away. Ran out of the room but Jisoo hold both of my cheeks then plant a kiss square on my lips.


Jisoo push me down on the bed. Straddle my waist while kissing me harder.

We didn't know who moans first but that is an invitation for Jisoo to push her tongue inside my mouth.

We were making out for minutes but it feels like hours. Exploring each other tiredlessly. Jisoo then give small kisses on my jaw and suck on my neck hard.


"What Chae?"


I pushed her up looking into those glistening black orbs.

"What are we doing?"

"I know you love me."

"Wait...What...But how?"

"I'm not that oblivious Chae. It's just that you're too cute when you blushed."

"But Jennie told me you were oblivious."

"Please and you trust Jennie?"

She wiggle her eyebrows.

"Oh God. She is also on this....I hate you both."

"Heyy... You love me"

"Okay I love you so what now?"

"Now you are mine."

My eyes widen at that remarks. Jisoo pulls my shirt up and throw it away across the room.

Lets just say she did teach me how to play hard. Just not in game.

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