「 𝟔 」

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Everything in the room becomes deathly quiet. Your eyes are locked onto the tattoo that's engraved into your skin. Redness is lined around the edges of the black ink while few specks of blood and ink have leaked out. Clear plastic wrap is taped over it.

The tattoo itself is a barcode with small numbers that are lined together at the bottom. When you inspect the tattoo further, you realize the numbers represent something. The first numbers are the date of your birth, your age, and the date you signed the contract, which was only yesterday.

You're in shock. What exactly happened last night? You slightly remember bits and pieces. You're still terrified of its presence on your skin. You think hard about last night until it hits you.

'Namjoon,' his name immediately pops into your head.

Having to take a minute to gather your bearings, you take off the clear bandage, seeing as it's already dried. It has been hours since it was done. You're even more worried about what exactly is going on, what the tattoo means, and why Taehyung has one the same as you.

You storm out of the bathroom and into Jin's room. Going straight to the bedroom door, you begin to raise cane on Namjoon whenever you find him, but instead of opening the door and stomping down the steps, you're met with Jimin at the door. He was about to knock on the door, and your suddenness surprised both of you.

"Ahh, you're awake-" he starts to say, but you pull him into the bedroom and slam him against the door.

"You better explain," you grab onto the collar of his shirt. He's in shock as much as you were earlier in the bathroom.

"Y/N, what are you-" again, you cut him off. You take one of your hands off his collar and pull down Jin's shirt, turning to the side, so he can see what you're talking about.

When his eyes meet the tattoo, he lets out a sad sigh. You turn back towards him, and he looks into your eyes.

"I'm sorry," he says low, and you let go of him.

Confused by his words, you gain control of the situation and ask him what you need to. "Jimin, tell me what this means,"

He nods and takes your hand, pulling you to Jin's bed. You both sit at the end of the bed, and he takes a moment before saying anything. He lets out a long breath before speaking, then he turns to you, pulling off his shirt.

"We all have one," he explains, and you see the same tattoo except it's on his chest.

1Ø 13 1995. 18. 6 13 2Ø13

"Wait, does that mean you signed back in 2013?" You ask looking at him, trying to figure everything out.

"Yeah, we all did. We were all above or eighteen at the time. The only one who didn't join was Jungkook. He doesn't even have a tattoo-well, not that we know of. He's hardly ever here, so we aren't as close to him as we are each other." He puts on his shirt.

"What does the tattoo mean?" You find yourself asking more.

"It's like a gamertag in a way but in real life. Every level and every player has to have it tattooed on them once they begin the game. What I'm trying to say is that... you're not free anymore... you're owned." When he says that, you look deep into his eyes.

"Jimin, what the hell do you mean by owned?" Your eyes are starting to fill up with tears from worrying so much, but you won't cry right now, you need to know everything.

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