「 𝟒𝟕 」

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Jungkook's breathing slows, and your eyes remain wide in shock by Ashlynn's words.

She clasps Jungkook's hand tightly. Jungkook stands still like a statue, unable to utter a single sound by the woman's words before him.

The room is in chaos, and everyone is running out, abandoning this prison they all have been stuck in for months or years. Even the bodyguards are fleeing.

"We have a family-" Ashlynn begins with a shaky voice.

"A family?" Jungkook yanks his hand away from hers, coming back to his senses.

"You fucking think I wanted a family with you? My daughter is upstairs waiting for me to get her so she can be away from you. She hates you, Ashlynn. Every day she asks me if we can run away, but I know you'll kill me and abuse her then. You have never cared about anyone else in your life except for yourself. You're not fit to be a mother, and you're damn not fit to be anyone's spouse." He barks at her, shaking with rage.

"Now, you better tell me right this second where they are. You told me my father died a week after Namjoon. So I swear if you don't tell me where the fuck they are, I will purposely go to prison for killing you right here and now. I'm done playing your game."

"If I tell you where they are, you can't leave. You have to stay, or else I'll kill them for real this time. I may have faked their deaths, but I swear I will do it for real." Jungkook stops himself from hitting her. As much as he wants to, he would never go that low to hit a woman, no matter how much she may deserve it.

"Stop it, Ashlynn." Hoseok turns around and faces her.

He walks over and stares down at her, eyes tense, then he lets out a sigh.

"Jungkook, there's something we've been keeping from you. I don't know how to say it, so I'll just come out with it. Ara isn't your daughter... she's mine." Hoseok's words instantly bring true pain to Jungkook.

"What?" Jungkook can't even speak. He's so emotionally hurt.

"You're not the father-" Ashlynn spits at him, but Hoseok puts his foot down.

"Yes, I am, and you know it. You didn't want him to know, and you told me if I said a word my life would be over. You only let Jungkook come inside you once, and it didn't work. When you wanted someone else to fool around with, you always came to me, even after you married him. We even had a DNA test done. You always told me to come inside so you would get pregnant, and when you finally did, you used that to keep him by your side. So stop lying and let him live the rest of his life in peace. You've hurt enough people, even an innocent little girl who's been through so much trauma she thinks it's her fault you won't have anything to do with her."

"Now, tell us where you're holding the hostages, and your sentence will be lighter. If you have any regard for shortening your sentence, you'll tell us where-"

"Underground. They're all underground." She wanted to make sure to save herself, so she instantly folded and gave the information she could to reduce her prison time.

The police run through the doors, taking her into custody as Hoseok follows them downstairs to search for the rest. He barks out orders for the other cops to do. Hoseok must be the leader in his squad.

"What do we do now?" Jin walks with the rest of them following.

"Now we live. We start over." You explain.


The rest of the day is a blur. None of you thought that the game would be over. You knew you would beat it, but you never thought it would play out this way.

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