「 𝟑𝟏 」

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Four years went by. You still don't remember any of your previous life.

The doctor told you after a year went by that you needed to try and move on. He said it was rare for people to have amnesia for so long and not to remember anything. He said whatever happened would be best for you not to remember due to your mental health.

So after he said that, you decided to stop looking for answers.

You were going to start over, and you have. Sunwoo is all you have, and he's family now.

Multiple nights you've stayed up watching horror movies together, playing games, even getting drunk and talking the night away. He wasn't like a father figure, but he was more than a friend. He thought of you the same.

You both helped out around the small apartment. You have a job, and he works too, but you don't know where his job is, and he won't tell you no matter how many times you ask.

Eventually, you gave up wondering what he does and focused on your job instead.

Jinwook lost his business after a year of you working at the restaurant. Since then, you've been working at a bakery shop downtown. Sunwoo isn't as worried as he used to be about letting you walk around, but he does still make sure you're well protected.

Life has gone back to normal, or at least that's what Sunwoo says. You don't recall how the normal was for you, but you try not to think about it.

"I'm off to my shift! I'll see you tonight!" You say happily while putting your shoes on at the door.

"Okay, you know to call me when you're on your way back." He reminds you before you leave.

"I know, Sunwoo. I'm not that forgetful... pun not intended." You smile, while he rolls his eyes with a hearty laugh.

You can see the way his small beard is starting to become more grey each year that passes by. You're starting to worry about his health, but you both don't talk about it.

"Bring a vanilla cupcake back for me. You know those are my favorite." He smiles warmly, and you nod.

"I couldn't forget about you." You stand up and unlock the apartment door. "I'll see you later, Sunwoo! Love you!" You leave the apartment and lock the door before you walk down the building complex.

Sunwoo was someone you did care for; you loved him like family. He is, in your eyes, like a very close uncle, and you don't know where you would be without him.

Right as you make your first step on the sidewalk, you almost slip from the ice you didn't see. You catch yourself right before you fall.

It's December, and Christmas is just around the corner. You've been saving up a lot to buy Sunwoo a watch he's been checking out whenever he walks by the jewelry store window.

Just a little bit more, and you'll have enough to buy it for him. You can't wait to see the face he makes when he opens it.

Walking down the crowded streets, you see a bunch of people carrying Christmas bags and food. It's just lunchtime, but there's still a lot of people out. No doubt everyone was Christmas shopping as well as just trying to find the right ingredients to make a Christmas dinner.

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