「 𝟑𝟔 」

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"Wait," you say while pulling away. "I can't... at least not like this."

He soon pulls away as if understanding. He sits up in bed, nodding his head.

"I'm sorry... it's just... you're still married to her, and I know it's forced but-"

"I understand. I wasn't thinking of your feelings. I just really missed you, Y/N. It's been so long since I've seen you, and I couldn't help myself." He admits, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Hey, why don't we just talk?" You sit up, softly placing your hand on his shoulder. "Talking never hurts," you smile when he turns to look at you.

He smiles softly and agrees.

"Tell me what you meant by earlier. You said you had something to tell me, so we can start there. What is it?" You ask gently, feeling him stiffen underneath your touch.

"Well, that's a serious conversation..." he looks back at you, then he pushes himself to talk once seeing how you're curious.

"It's... it's about Taehyung,"

Now the smile from your face falters.

"Taehyung?" You say his name almost like a whisper. You remember he was taken, but you don't know anything else. "What about him?"

Jungkook turns around fully to face you, and you hear him sigh softly before speaking.

"I wanted to tell you this because he's been such an amazing person during these past few years. He sacrificed himself for you at the house that night." Hearing this, you blink confused.

"What exactly do you mean? I'm so lost." You admit, thinking hard as if a memory will come to surface. However, it doesn't.

"After you were stabbed and Sunwoo was running out of the mansion with you, Taehyung was being brought to the basement. He saw Sunwoo rush by with you in his arms, and he watched other guards shoot at the both of you." Jungkook pauses.

"He jumped out behind Sunwoo so that neither of you would be shot. He risked his own life to save you, and now he's..." Jungkook can't seem to finish his sentence.

You softly grab his hand, urging him forward to speak. You need to know what happened after that.

"Jungkook, you can tell me. I want to know what happened to the others." You say with the bravest voice you can muster.

Although you're not too sure if you want to truly know, you realize that you need to learn what happened to all of them. If Taehyung saved you, then you need to know what happened to him.

"He got shot three times that night. One bullet went into his leg, another went directly in his side... and the last went straight into his lower back." Jungkook shuts his eyes tightly before saying any more. "He's paralyzed."

That's all it took for you to start crying once more. He risked his own life to end up paralyzed? That's so unfair. He was a hero, and now he's trapped?

You blink in shock while tears roll down your cheeks. You shake your head as if this is a bad dream.

"No, Taehyung can't be... he just can't," you repeat the words as if in a silent prayer.

Taehyung was supposed to be the one who always had it going for him. He seemed on top of everything, and then he did something out of his character and fucked it up. He saved you and Sunwoo, only to trap himself in the process.

"Where is he?" You wipe the tears from your eyes aggressively.

To shed a few tears because someone risked their life for yours doesn't make you weak or a cry baby. If anything, it makes you stronger because it shows you care and will never forget the actions he did to save you that night.

"He's... look, you really don't need to see him at that place-"

"Jungkook, I know you might be trying to protect me, but shielding me from my past is only pissing me off. He saved me, and I'm going to thank him right now."


When you step out of the taxi cab, you mentally need a moment for yourself before you walk inside the building.

Jungkook doesn't say anything, just stands next to you as if having nothing to add.

You read the words insane asylum above the entrance doors, and you swear you want nothing more than to know why the hell he's in a place like this.

"Why?" You mumble after the taxi cab drives off. "Why would she put him here?"

Jungkook starts explaining as soon as you ask.

"For the longest time, I thought he died. Until a year after that night, I found out Taehyung was still alive. She put him here and promised to hurt everyone he ever cared about if he ever said otherwise. I've tried to get him out, but she said she would take Ara away from me." Jungkook looks down at the ground, feeling so helpless. "She put him here to break him, Y/N..."

You know it's not his fault. Jungkook has done everything he possibly can in his position. You walk up to him and take his hand in yours. As long as you're around, no one is going to be broken.

"Come on," you tug him forward. "Let's go see an old friend."


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