「 𝟏𝟗 」

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Once making it to the viewing room, the butler pushes you inside and tells you not to say a word.

The room is pitch-black. You can't even see your hands when you hold them in front of your face.

You stand completely still until finally, dim lights illuminate around the room. With the lights on, you see the room is in a small circle.

"Step onto the platform,"

The commanding voice comes from someone, but you have no idea who. You listen and walk further into the room and step onto a small, black platform as instructed.

The whole room is full of mirrors. The mirrors are so tall that they reach the ceiling from the bottom of the floor. The only thing you can see in the mirrors is the reflection of yourself.

You feel unbelievably nervous. The fact you're in such an exposing outfit and dressed the way you are doesn't help. You feel like the prey instead of the predator.

"Remove your clothes and drop everything to the floor except your mask and underwear."

These words run a chill down your spine. As you have said to yourself before, stripping in front of strangers isn't something you are comfortable with, but you try to ignore the feeling of being watched and the fact that men are behind these mirrors watching every move you make.

With one long sigh, you follow the speaker's instructions. You take off your short dress, then your shoes along with the fake ears.

You stand still in the center of the room and look at your almost naked form in the mirror. Thankfully, you can keep your underwear on and the mask. You don't feel so nervous since your face isn't shown.

"State the following information as it is asked. Your name," the speaker says.




"Please, confirm that you're no longer a virgin by a brief statement."

"I lost my virginity to the first level of my house a few days ago. I've had sex a few times since then."

"Did you bleed?"


"What's your current level?"

"Four," you admit.

"Stay still as we continue the examination." Then a door opens from where you came in from.

A man whose face is hidden by a mask, like yours, is standing there. He's wearing a black suit and black gloves.

"He's going to check and make sure you received your gamertag. Please, remain still,"

He comes to you, and you instantly turn and face forward. You don't want to see what he's about to do, so you just wait for this to be over.

First, he inspects your tattoo. He makes sure it's real.

Without warning, you suddenly feel his fingertips against your skin. He's feeling for any scaring after the tattooing.

This is the part you've been dreading, being touched by someone, especially by a person you can't even see.

After examining your tattoo and inspecting the rest of your body, he confirms everything.

"She's clear. She has no other tattoos besides her gamertag. She may be transferred to the private room." The man leaves the room as quickly as he had entered.

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