「 𝟒𝟏 」

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You both enter the kitchen, and everyone gives you strange looks. It's mostly coming from Jin.

"What did the two of you just do?" Jin snaps, but thankfully, Jimin intervenes.

"Calm down," Jimin says, but Jin scoffs aggressively.

"And why should I do that? Our lives have just now settled down, and she's not here torturing us anymore! We're free—"

"Free?" Jimin repeats with sarcasm. "Free as in not dying is what you mean, but freedom isn't this. We're just alive, not living. There's a difference."

"Oh please," Jin remarks. "You wouldn't know what freedom is without a beer bottle in your hand. The next time you want to give me a lecture, think about your own screwed up life—"

"If you two don't shut up, I swear, I will slap the hell out of you both!" You scream. "Seriously, what is wrong with the both of you? You're gown men, now start acting like it." After that, they both seem to settle down and consider your words.

You hate to be the one taking control of situations like this, but someone has to do it, and no one is making any means to help out, so you take matters into your own hands.

"Now Jin, tell me why you're so pissed off about me passing Jimin's level." You say.

He sighs before opening his mouth again.

"I'm mad because you're making this dangerous for all of us again. We haven't had any actual trouble since that night. The rest of us are safe, but you're trying to ruin it by continuing this game!" Jin snaps this time, and it hurts you. You've never had him yell at you before. You've never seen this side of him.

You don't take it. You stand up for yourself. No more will you just sit idly by and let everything go. You're taking a stand and doing what's right and to hell what anyone else thinks about it. It's your life, and if no one likes your choices, fuck them.

"Jin, I don't understand how you can say that. You say everyone is safe, but yet, you're forgetting about Jungkook, about Taehyung, and you're forgetting what happened to Namjoon because of her." You shake your head. "And here I thought you were the most caring person in this house, but I was wrong. You're not caring; you're just selfish."

After that, you turn around and walk straight out of the kitchen. You're done listening to him. You have a game to beat, and as far as Jin's concerned, he can hide underneath his bed and cry himself to sleep while you make the monster disappear. After all, that's what adults do, and he's far from acting grown right now.


A few hours later, you leave your bedroom to head downstairs for a late-night snack. You were starving.

When you shut the bedroom door, someone suddenly brushes up against you.

"Hey," you hear Yoongi's voice behind your ear.

"Hi," you reply and turn around to face him.

"You should get some sleep. I wanted to find you and let you know." Yoongi explains.

"I know. I'm taking a shower and heading to bed." You explain and start to head downstairs to the kitchen, but he stops you before you can leave. He grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him. Your back hits against his hard chest.

"Check the newest video on this phone before bed," Yoongi whispers while handing you a newly boughten phone and lets you go. He soon leaves your side without so much of another word.

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