「 𝟐𝟔 」

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When everything was over, you were surprised when he said he was sleepy and kicked you out. He barely gave you time to put on some loose clothes of his, not that they fit, but at least you wouldn't be walking around the house naked.

You know it's probably because some sex demon took over your body during his level and that he was embarrassed, but you know he loved every second of it.

Now that you know you can play like that too, you're not so worried about the rest of the levels. In fact, you're ready for them. They haven't been that hard, to be honest. However, you don't know what the rest are like, so you'll just keep that thought to yourself.

You're exhausted, to say the least. A long day full of such dramatic turns for everyone has your mind scrambled. Even your confidence in the bedroom has you shaken a bit, but you loved your energy in there.

After you left Namjoon's room, you went to yours and took a quick shower. You washed your body fully and made sure to brush your teeth too. You felt much cleaner after washing your whole body after sex.

When you leave, you walk in the direction of the kitchen. You don't see anyone in sight. Your mind roams the events that transpired today, and you think back to Jungkook's outburst in the vehicle.

He was extremely upset and had every right to be. You feel sorry for him and everyone trapped in this game. What he has to go through with her is awful.

You carefully round the wall and know you're in the living room from how the carpet feels on your toes. It's pitch-black, so you're just walking by pure memory.

Once you make it to the kitchen door, you place your hands onto the doorframe and push against it, earning a bright light from the inside right afterward.

You notice right away it's not the kitchen light but the moonlight. It's a beautiful full moon shining right through the massive window, making the whole kitchen light up like a blooming flower during the night.

Walking inside further, you start to head to the cabinet to grab a glass.

"How did it go?" You instantly drop the glass once grabbing it, letting it fall and shatter on the floor.

You spin around, seeing Jungkook sitting on top of the table while looking directly at the moon with a sad expression.

"Jungkook," you say his name. "You scared me," you admit while taking a deep breath. You ignore his question because your heart is beating too fast from the sudden scare.

"Sorry, I just like to come down here sometimes when it's dark. I can feel her watching me in my room upstairs."

That sentence alone breaks your heart. It's so sad that anyone would have to be that terrified of someone.

"What about here? She's probably watching now." You glance up at the ceiling.

"I doubt it," he admits quietly. "She would be taking her bath about now, and after that, she goes straight to sleep. I'm safe for tonight."

Again, every word he says shatters your heart. He knows her schedule so well that he has to use it just to get a minute away from her. It's heartbreaking.

You bend down and pick up the broken glass. "It's unfair... what she does to you," you whisper, hearing him stand from the table. His footsteps come closer until you see him bending down next to the edge of the counter and picking up the glass that's close to him.

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