「 𝟐𝟐 」

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Right after your quick playtime with them, you all get dressed. Your outfits and masks go back on to conceal your true identities.

After you're finished, the doors creak open and one of the bodyguards peeps inside.

"Out, she's arriving,"

One says and causes you to leave the VIP room. The music continues to play loudly, and Jungkook still remains in the glass box, but something suddenly hits you.

"Namjoon, did you do all that to distract me from Jungkook?" You turn back to Namjoon, and he sighs.

"It's safer this way. Plus, at least now you're halfway done with my level. I'm pretty sure they were filming in the VIP room, so you're almost done with me."

Namjoon explains, and you remember how you still have to use the toys to fully pass his level.

"Wait, you're doing it again, Namjoon! I was asking about Jungkook, not about finishing with your level... forget it. Can we just go find the others?" You're annoyed. You know he did that for a distraction. He changed the topic to make you not think about Jungkook. It makes you mad.

"Yeah, over here," Namjoon leads the way, while Taehyung stays close to you.

"You know Namjoon's just trying to protect everyone, right? He's not trying to hurt you or lie to you. He's just trying to keep the peace." Taehyung talks gently.

You sigh. You know that. It just really hurts to see all the boys not trying to help Jungkook. You know they can't because of her, but they at least need to do something to help him besides walking him back up to his room when he's unconscious. You don't know how to explain it, but you feel bad for Jungkook.

All the others are free to roam around the house, leave when they can, and at least have entertainment like movies, games, etc. Jungkook doesn't seem like he has any of that. When you think about Jungkook, you see an empty shell—someone living in a hollow body, yet no one is living. And that is a fate worse than death.

"Jungkook!" Suddenly, a girl from the audience scream. You finally make your way to the rest of the levels.

"Oh no..." you hear Jin mumble.

"What's going on?" You ask, but Hoseok places his finger over his lips.

"Just watch," everyone in the room becomes quiet as they watch the girl run across the stage and bang on the glass box.

She screams Jungkook's name over and over again.

"Who's she?" You look at the girl. You notice she's dressed in a black panther outfit.

"She used to be a player but is now a level. She was in our gamer house and fell in love with Jungkook on the spot. She was obsessed with him. In other words, she only wanted him, but he's the prize, and no one gets him unless there's a winner. She didn't even try to play the game. She signed the contract and had sex with me, even though she wasn't a virgin. She never passed Hoseok's level, and she got stuck being a level two at another gamer house for women." Jin explains the rest as the girl on stage continues to bang on the glass box.

Jungkook has his head tilted down, not looking at her.

"She can be a good person at times, but she was always crazy around him. Jungkook got... let's just say punished because one time she fell down the stairs, and he helped her up. The living room cameras caught it on tape, and he came back a week later with more bruises than you could count." Jimin adds in.

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