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"We needed that cake over an hour ago," you say over the phone while rushing around the home and picking up trash from the kids.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to admit this, but we accidentally gave the cake away. We didn't know-"

"Are you kidding me?" You scoff over the phone. "How do you accidentally give away a princess cake that clearly says happy birthday Ara on it?" You honestly couldn't believe this.

"We can refund you-"

"Damn right you will. That cake cost $60, and I better have every penny back." You harshly press the end call button with so much frustration.

How does someone screw up a simple order?

Suddenly, Jungkook walks through the front door holding brown bags full of snacks.

"Hey, honey," he comes by and kisses you on the cheek. "What's with the mean look?" His eyes are wide while he inspects your face.

"The bakery sold the cake to someone else." You admit and see his eyebrows narrow.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jungkook couldn't believe it. "I'm driving back into town and having a word with-"

You put your hand on his shoulder and stop him. "There's no time. They close in ten minutes, and besides, Ara's been looking for daddy number one." You smile and kiss him on the cheek while ushering him out the back to play with the group of kids.

Jin walks inside with a soft laugh. "Daddy number one?" You turn around and smile once seeing him. He's always so busy, so you're happy he got to come by.

"Hey," you walk up and hug him while taking the pink present out of his hand. "I'm surprised you got to come, and Ara came up with the number one number two thing. It's sweet. When Jungkook's around, she calls him daddy number one, and when she's with Hoseok, he's daddy number one. When they're together she calls them both daddy number two-she says because it's two of them."

"My niece is precious, and you know I would never miss something this special. Oh, and I called in about Ara's field trip next week, and it looks like I'll be able to come with her since all of you will be busy." He admits, and you nod thankfully.

"Thank you for going with her. Hoseok's got an important case he's working on, Jungkook has scheduled training workouts, and I have something important I have to do that day." You admit while placing the gift on the round table next to the others.

"Something important?" He cocks his head with curiosity.

"You'll find out later." Before you can say anymore, you hear the backdoor open and small feet run inside.

"Uncle Jin!" Ara says excitedly while running to him. He bends down and picks her up just in time to give her a big hug. "I knew you would come!" She smiles and grabs his hand. "Come outside and play with us! Daddy number one needs someone on his team right now."

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