how are you here / chapter 2

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"Haha! We knocked another nice work!" Someone said.

I can hear voices but I can't move, I can't see, where am I?

"Nice work amiga! I'm going to explore over here," It was another voice, this voice was different from the first, it was a male, and he had a thick accent. Suddenly the door to the place I was in opened.

"Ah!" He yelled "who are you?" He sat me up and I finally opened my eyes I saw a tan man with a mask and goggles.

"Who are you?!" I sat up and rubbed my head trying to remember what happened.

Oh yeah, the portal.

The man was still holding me by the shoulders, he looked crazy.

"Amiga? Are you okay?" He let go of my arms and called for his friend to come and see me.

"Who's this?" It was a girl with black ish purple hair.

"I'm not sure, I found her here, Wraith open a portal to my house por favor," He looked at her and she did, she opened a portal that looked like the one I got in before blacking out.

"I'll be at the house soon, ahh eat what ever you want, we'll figure out what's going on," He grabbed my hand and put me in the portal. I wasn't able to even get a word out. Before I knew it I was in a neatly kept house.

I couldn't help myself I had to look around. The room I landed in appeared to be the living room, there was a brown couch and a flat screen on the wall. Under it was a table lined with video games and movies.

I walked down the hall and ended up in a kitchen, there was a pack of beer laying next to the fridge, the kitchen was also neatly kept like the living room. On the kitchen table was a letter labeled 'Apex Game Sheet: this months times'

Apex Games?

There was a photo frame on the table of the man that pushed me in the portal, and another guy; I kept walking around the house and came to the bedroom.

I shouldn't be here. I thought, but I'm in a place I don't know. I have every right to explore. I put my hand on the brass doorknob and turned it I opened the door and to my surprise the room was also neatly kept. The closet was open I could see a few t-shirts and a bunch of hoodies. On the night stand next to the bed was a syringe with a neon green liquid in it. I left the room and closed the door. I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch, I felt in my pocket to try and see if I had my phone. I did. However I had no service, such a shocker.

I decided to sit and wait for the man to come back; I tried my best to stay awake but the heaviness of sleep came over me and I fell asleep on the couch. I did leave my house around 1. No wonder why I was tired.

I woke up to the smell of food cooking, and it smelled good. I opened my sleepy eyes and noticed a blanket on top of me.

What time is it?

I got up and went to the kitchen to see the man.

"Hola! You were asleep when I came back so I thought I should leave you alone," His outfit changed completely, his goggles and mask we're off, he had a few piercings and black hair with green tips, he had a gray hoodie and a pair of black shorts.

His legs, what happened to his legs?!

"Ah don't worry about my legs, it happened awhile ago, have a seat and tell me what happened amiga," He pointed to the kitchen table and I sat down. He grabbed a plate and put whatever he cooked on it and sat down across from me.

"Well I saw a portal back where I lived and I went through it, and well I'm here now," I told him the events and he ate some food.

"We can go to my friend in the morning and she can help us, my names Octavio by the way, what's yours?" He ate another bite and took a sip of a drink that appeared to be orange juice.

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