gashes pt 2 / chapter 9

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ajay and Octavio looking over me.

"Amiga?!" Octavio said grasping me.

"Don't touch her yet!" Ajay said pushing him off of me.

I tried to lift my head and Ajay pusher me back down. Everything hurt, my side, my head, my legs.

"Don't move ____, Ajay is working on you, your going to be okay," He had taken off the glasses and mask, I didn't know he could do that in the game. He was crying, he was trying to hide it but he was.

"It hurts," I managed to mummble. Ignoring Octavio and Ajay I looked at my side, it was completely drenched in blood, it was warm and was pooling next to me, it was on my clothes and Ajays hands. She had tweezers going into the cut, I don't know how I didn't feel it, I'm guessing she had some sort of numbing stuff. Octavio was holding my hand and wouldn't let go. Ajay finally pulled the tweezers of the red open wound and pulled out a bloody gold bullet. She took a swab and cleaned the wound and wrapped bandages around my torso. She told me to stay down and relax.

"Hermosa, why, why did you come here, your not registered in the game so you can permanently die! We managed to get away safely and try to heal you but we are still in the game, it's dangerous," He sounded worried and angry at the same time.

"There was some guy, he was trying to touch me, I punched him but he started chasing me, I kept running and he kept following until I got here and he stopped I was lost and didn't know where I was so I started following the buildings, I'm so sorry Tavi, he scared me," I said as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"Some guy eh?" Ajay said sounding angry. "Ill find em for ya! And he'll be kicked out!"

"No, I'll kill him," Octavio said getting angry at my Story. "He tried to grab you?" He asked.

"Yeah, he kept calling me sweetie and how beautiful I was, he kept getting closer and I told him to stop, he reached his hand out to grab me so I punched him making his nose bleed and I ran away," The numbing stuff had started to fade and I could feel the pain, I squeezed Octavio's hand and winced at the sharp pains. Octavio started tapping his hand on the floor.

"I'll kill him," He continued saying.

"Octavio, we have to get back to the game before someone finds us here, we don't have another teammate it's just was two and we have to protect _____, ya hear me?" Ajay looked up from my wound and looked at Octavio who looked at Ajay to me. "She should be good for now, she'll need better medical help when the game is over, she's not registered so the game heals and D. O. C. Won't help her, I had to use my real knowledge to get this far," She sounded serious.

"____, gracias, you saved me, but I don't wanna see you do that again," I noticed his hands were bloodstained, he had tried to hold the wound to stop the bleeding. I'm assuming when we were jumping.

"I won't, I promise," He helped me to my feet and I struggled for a second. I pulled my shirt back down over the bandages, I just realized the shirt was all the way up to my neck. Ajay needed some space I guess, but Octavio saw me like that. He didn't say anything.

"Take this," Octavio said handing me a gun. "Just incase you need to fight, but listen, if it's just you and the other team explain everything, I don't want you getting killed Amiga, got that?" He sounded serious.

"I got it," The gun he gave me was a shot gun. It was pretty big but looked like it could do a lot of damage with one hit. Octavio looked out the window of the building we were in to scout the area to make sure it was safe.

"Two squads remain," A voice announced over a speaker, it was quite loud.

"Ya hear that? Only one other squad!" Ajay shouted.

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