last week / chapter 3

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1 week prior, octane pov

"Why won't anything exciting happen around here?" Octavio slumped on the couch and turned the tv on. "It's always the same, I wish someone new would appear to make things excitante," He closed his hazel eyes and sighed.

"Well why don't you just go out and do something," Renee said on the other line on the phone.

"Because I've already done everything here amiga, it's all the same I want someone new to appear," Octavio stood up and started running in place.

"Invite one of your friends over from your planet, also sit down,"

"I don't have any contact to them and all my friends are here," Octavio took a pause, "how'd you know I wasn't sitting?"

"Because you can't sit for longer than 5 minutes before moving around," Renee sounded annoyed at him but in a caring way.

"Ugh fine I'm going to take a ride amiga," Octavio hung up on Renee and jumped off of the couch jittery.

He grabbed a helmet and two syringes and headed outside to his bike.

I need a rush, I want someone, no, I need someone. I need something. Damnit I just want something new to give me a rush that isn't this damn stim. Octavio thought as he sped to a cliff on his motorcycle

He jumped off and sat on the hill running is fingers in his hair. He watched the sunset and played with his hoodie strings while trying to stay calm. He couldn't, he kept moving his leg side to side. He pulled out one of the syringes and jabbed it into himself, letting it rush into him. He let out a sigh and jumped up, he ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped. As he was falling, he sighed and looked over a lake and reached his hand out.

Someone's out there and they feel the same. Just why can't they be here.

He pulled his hand back in and through out a jump pad to catch him. He sprung back up and landed back on the cliff, he dusted and shook himself off and looked back over the cliff. The sun had almost set by the time he landed.

I have a game next week, I should go do some late night training or something. He thought. He shoved the remaining stim into his pocket and slid the helmet over his cut up face and rode his motorcycle to the shooting range.

Once he got there he went for the r99, he liked the speed.

"Tavi?" A friendly voice said startling octavio.

"Hey Natalie," Octavio replied slowly lowering the gun.

"Why are you here so late?" She went next to him and grabbed an r301.

"Eh got bored Amiga, and we have a game next week, thought I could use this time to prepare you know?" He shot at a few targets landing every shot.

"I don't think you need the training," She laughed a bit

"Gracias amiga," He took a pause and sat the gun down. "Do you ever feel as if nothing exciting ever happens? Like sure we get a new person every few months but I'm talking something really out of the ordinary like someone just coming out of nowhere," He sat down on the ground and Natalie joined him. Her blonde hair fluffed a bit when she sat.

"I get what you mean, Tavi, but you can't expect something like that to happen every day," Her accent seemed to be thicker at night.

"I know but I get bored easily," He sighed and pouted.

"Exactly, you'd get bored of someone new with in a day, and wish for something else," A kunai barely missed his face and hit a target.

"Oh Renee! Your here," Natalie said with a smile to both her friends. Renee hopped down from a ledge and greeted the two, she was wearing a black hoodie and black pants her hair was in a ponytail.

"Hey, Nat, Oct don't worry something exciting will happen soon, oh yeah I wanted to talk to you about something, mind if I borrow him Nat?" Renee asked.

"Take him," Natalie chuckled.

"Alright octavio, follow me," Renee motioned for him to follow her.

"Can we race?"

"You don't know where we are going,"


"You really are a adrenaline junkie,"
Octavio followed Renee, without racing, to her house where she worked on different things with portals.

"Why'd you bring me?" Octavio asked.

"I don't know, maybe youd find it exciting? Maybe it would cure your boredom depression," Renee said rolling her eyes.

"How'd you know I had depression?"

"What?" She asked looking back at him.

"Nothing, so que pasa? Is it bad?" Octavio asked looking around the sorta dark room. Portals lined the walls and paper littered a desk.

"I've found a way to send portals to different planets, I've also found a way to open portals durring matches, its not useful but I can do it," She shrugged her shoulders and looked at octavio.

"Oh that's pretty cool-" Octavio tried to say before getting cut off.

"I opened a portal to a planet but I don't know where the opening is, where I opened it is gone," Renee said sounding more concerned now, but she always sounded like that.

"How's it gone?" Octavio asked tapping his foot impatiently on the wooden floor.

"If I knew that I would have closed it, I know where all these portals go, they go to our planets but this one is different, I don't know where the opening went and I don't know what planet it's on," Renee told him

"Well, maybe it will lead to something exciting," Octavio smiled and his eyes seemed to be full of life for once, they were usually dead looking; but when be had something to look forward to they seemed to glow a bit brighter and become full of life again.

"Octavio I know you want exciting but this could be bad, I want you to keep a look out, on the streets, in your house, even this upcoming game, don't let anyone find out alright?" Renee was serious about this. If it was a dangerous portal it could lead to destruction or even death.

"I've got this Amiga, I'll keep an eye out, nothing gets past octavio silva!" He shouted jumping up.

"I knew I could count on you Oct, now go get rest we only have a few days and I know you haven't gotten any sleep," Renee smiled when she saw Octavio get happy but it went back to her normal stern face when she told him to sleep.

"Your like a mom, no fun Amiga," Octavio joked.


"Alright," Octavio sighed and started to walk back to the shooting range to get his motorcycle.

Huh maybe this portal will bring me something exciting, maybe a pet, maybe a long lost friend, or even maybe, a girl.

Octavio smiled as he put the helmet on and sped back to his house.

Maybe it will be a girl and I'll have someone.

Octavio went to sleep for the first time in 5 days with that single thought. That and how scary Renee was in 'mom mode'.

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