neon lights / chapter 5

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Octavio had left around 1pm I looked at the clothes he had given me. They all seemed to fit me and be my type of style. A lot of baggy clothes and two dresses. I decided on a black tank top and a pair of ripped jeans; Octavio told me to go where ever and that I'd find my way back but seems pretty big. I'll clean the house up a bit.

I had cleaned for around 30 minutes before there was a knock at the door.

"____? It's Renee, Octavio's friend, I wanted to talk to you about the portal," The friendly voice said through the door.

"Coming!" I shouted from the kitchen. I walked to the door and let Renee in. She was wearing a hoodie and jeans. I took her to the kitchen and we sat down.

"Look I know your probably scared and want to go home, and your stuck with Octavio, I think there may be a way to get you back," She sounded concerned and sympathetic twords me which I appreciated

"Well, I kinda like it here so far everyone has been nice, although I've only met two people but, I've had a lot of fun with Octavio," I fiddled with my hands and took a sip of water I had next to me.

"Really? Well if you want to stay you can I'll need to know by the end of this week though or else the portal to your world will close, I may be able to bring it back one day but right now I don't think I will be able to, I'm glad Octavio had been treating you nice," Renee looked out the window and smiled, she didn't seem like the type to do that often but her smile was pretty.

"Alright, I don't think I'll want to go back, my life back home wasn't the best, and these two days have felt more of a life than my whole life," I laughed a bit and joined Renee looking out the window.

"You and octavio have fun alright? I'll be checking in from time to time but I have to go train a bit, also if he starts acting weird look for Ajay, she'll straighten him out," She stood up and walked to the door. "Did you clean around here?" She took a moment to look around the neat and tidy room.

"Yeah, I got a bit bored, thank you I'll see you around!" I said as Renee left.

"See you," She replied with a smile.

It's already 5, all I've done is clean and watch movies. Octavio told me to meet him at the cliff at 9 so I still have a lot of time. I went to the bedroom where I put the clothes and looked at one of the dresses, it was a long black dress that reached my ankles the top was cut out and it had thin straps. I tried it on and looked in the mirror. It was cute, I felt myself blush. Wait why was a blushing its not like I was trying to impress him. I shook the thoughts from my head and put the tank top back on. In the bag I packed when I ran away I brought a red skirt I matched it with the tank top and it looked decent. I decided to wear it to the cliff.

I watched a few more movies and the time was 8:46. I thought it was a good time to go incase I got lost it wasn't to far from his house, only about 10 minutes. I got there and the sun had just set. I looked around for Octavio but didn't see him anywhere. There was a gentle breeze, it made the grass sway and let the leaves in a tree next to me rustle.

"Hola!" I heard the voice and knew who it was.

"Hey!" I said back matching the same energy. I greeted him with a smile and he sat next to me. He was wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of shorts. He looked over the cliff and I saw his ears were pierced. He leaned back on the grass and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked falling on my back next to him.

"Nothing, I know I just got here but how about we go to the city?" He leaned his head and looked at me, the moonlight gleemed in his beautiful eyes. He reached his hand up and ruffled his hair.

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