lavender / chapter 4

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Next morning

The sun peered into the room in the curtains. It gently lit my body as I laid in the covers all sprawled out. I slept good that night, better than at home at least. I sat up in the soft bed and rubbed my eyes then combing my hair with my fingers to make it smooth. I looked up at the ceiling, it was a neatly painted white color. I started to look around the room and sleep took me over once again, the bed was to comfortable and all I'm used to is a hard mattress and a thin blanket. Only five more minutes of rest then I'd get up and greet Octavio.

"Amiga?" A friendly voice said through the door. I cuddled closer in the blankets and finally opened my eyes. "I made breakfast if you'd like some, come out when your ready," He had a small laugh at the end of his sentence. As I sat up in the bed I made myself presentable and stretched my arms out, I quickly made the bed and opened the door.

"Buenos Dias! Er well Buenas tardes," He looked at me sheepish, he had a red hoodie on this morning.

"It's still 8oclock," I told him with a laugh.

"Well actually it's 12:30, I was going to wake you up but I let you sleep, you were thrown into a portal,"

"12:30?" I looked over to the stove clock and sure enough 12:32 read in green on the stove.

"Oh crap, sorry I don't get good sleep at my house, and your bed was really comfortable," I laughed and looked over to the stove where eggs, toast, and bacon had been prepared.

"Don't worry about it Amiga, sleep is important," He stopped and looked at me. "Get something to eat, I made extra for you," He looked at me with his Hazel-green eyes and smiled at me.

"It's fine, I don't want to dirty the dishes or cause you trouble," He then stood up and grabbed at plate from the cabinet, he was tall, well kinda looked to be about 5'8.

"Take it, your not brothering me," He handed me a plate with nicely made scrambled eggs with a piece of toast and bacon. I sat down and took a bite. Octavio sat across from me reading a book. Once I took the first bite I couldn't help myself it was so good. I wolfed down the entire plate and looked at him.

"Can I have some more?" I asked quietly.

"Why are you asking? Isn't it common for people to get more?" He looked at me puzzled.

"Well at my house I have to ask to have more,"

"The hell? Aren't you like 22? Why are they making you ask for more?"

"Not sure, all I know is its been like that my whole life, never really had seconds," I looked down and fiddled with my hands. "Soo can I have some more," Before I could even finish the words or even look up there was a plate in front of me with more eggs and toast. "How did you?" I looked at him for a second in awe

"1st your parents are controlling and suck, I get that, 2nd they don't call me a speed demon for nothing," He winked at me and looked back down to his book. His face structure was perfect, his smile, his eyes, everything was beautiful about him and he cooked. I felt myself get hot, I knew my face was red.

"Bad home life?" I managed to get out before he noticed I was blushing.

"Si, that's why I left awhile ago, I mean sure they were rich and I got whatever but I never got attention, which drove me to stealing from my papa's pharmaceutical company, I would do anything just for him to notice me," I looked at him and cut him off.

"The syringes? Is that where they came from?" It was like it just fell out of my mouth. I didn't mean to say it but I did. He sat the book down and looked at me.

"You saw them huh? Well I knew you'd find them eventually. It's called a stim, gives me energy and a rush, makes me walk faster, think faster, everything faster," He ran his fingers in his partiality brunette hair and looked out the window next to the table.

"So that's what they were, I didn't mean to invade but they were next to the bed on the nightstand so I kinda looked at them,"

"Don't apologize, it's nothing bad everyone knows of them," He gave me a reassuring smile. "Oh ah i almost forgot un momento," He got up from the table and ran to the living room. He came back with clothes and a flower.

"I went to my friend Renee and Ajays house to get you some clothes since you guys all have the same body type, figured youd get tired of the same clothes oh and I saw some lavender on my way back and picked some up since they help you sleep and can do a lot for you health wise having a pharmaceutical dad kinda made me learn this kinda stuff yknow," He smiled and handed me the clothes and placed the lavender in a jar with water.

"Oh my thank you Tavi!"

Tavi? Where the hell did that come from? I thought.

"Tavi? Your already coming up for nicknames for me? Someone used to call me that, but I like the way you say it" He got closer to me and smiled and then suddenly backed away. I started to blush and turned away.

"How about you meet me at that cliff tonight?" Octavio smiled "I've got to go to preparations for a upcoming game so I'll meet you there after that, around 9?" He asked sweetly.

"Sure," I said with a happy smile.

"Since I'll be gone for awhile you can go and look around the city or stay here and watch movies if ya like," He winked and walked out the door.

"Wait," I had called out.

"Hm?" He asked.

"Uh do you have like a map or something so I'll know the places?" He walked back inside and pushed me suddenly to the window.

"You don't need a map Amiga, let your heart tell you where to go, you'll find your way around let life drag you around," He put his hands on my shoulders and looked out the window. He lost his train of thought, pulling me ever so slightly closer to him.

"Oh uh I got to go," He quickly said, after noticing he had put his hands on my shoulders, I noticed him smile just before he closed the door.

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