Cliffside / chapter 10

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We walked out to the motorcycle and sped off to the party. I held on to Octavio tighter as we sped in the down. It was the same town that we went to the bar in. I couldn't help but look at all the beautiful lights. It was hard to hear over the sound of the motorcycle and the people talking in the street, my hair blew in the wind and I got closer to Octavio.

"Hey _____?" He said pretty much shouting.

"Yeah?" I asked, letting go and almost standing up.

"Your crazy!" He shouted, laughing at me. "I dig that, but I can be crazier!" Octavio then stood up on the bike and I sat down. I don't know how he was doing it but it was cool. He manages to slow the motorcycle while still standing up and we stopped at Elliots bar/inn for the party. Before we walked in Octavio stopped me.

"Uno, these people can be crazy, dose, I'm even crazier," He paused and grabbed my hand. "Will you be my girlfriend? We are a perfect match hermosa," He looked into my eyes with a sincere tone, everything about this was perfect. He was perfect.

"Of course Tavi!" I shouted as I hugged him tight. He put his arm around me and we walked in the bar. Whenever we walked in all eyes we're on us. A friendly looking robot came up to us and handed us each a drink.

"Here you go friends! Cheers to our new legend!" The robot said as everyone shouted. I guess word got out that they liked me and wanted me to play.

"See Amiga, they all love you, you'd be a great legend," Octavio whispered pulling me closer to his side. We both took a seat at the bar and Elliot came up to us.

"Would you two like what you had last time?" He asked.

"Sure," Me and Octavio said at the same time. We laughed at that. A man came and sat next to me, he had black hair and glasses.

"I'm Joon, another one of the legends," He reached his hand out to shake mine. "I mainly work around hacking and stuff like that, you were pretty impressive out there,"

"Thank you," I said and gave him a smile, he seemed to be quite nice. Octavio turned his head and looked over at us he glared at Joon. He moved his hand from my shoulder down to my hip and pulled me closer.

"I look forward to seeing you in the ring," He tapped the table and took off.

"Your jealous aren't you?" I said smirking at Octavio.

"Me? Jealous? No way I don't get jealous," He said stuttering a bit.

"Mhm," Elliot came back with the drinks and I sipped mine, still smirking at Octavio.

"Will ya quit that," He lightly tapped me and smiled. All the other legends introduced themselves to me and explained why they were there and their different abilities. I hadn't thought about what mine would be, everyone's were unique and they all had a backstory for them, I didn't have anything like that. Perhaps Octavio would help me pick something, or maybe Renee, she seemed to be good at that kind of stuff. Me and Octavio had a few more drinks and talked about different things. I loved talking to him, he could talk about anything and I'd never get bored of it.

"____? How do you like adrenaline?" He ran his fingers in his hair and looked at me and smirked. I had been caught off guard by his question.

"Oh uh, I like it, it feels nice, it's kinda like having stress relieved," I said taking another sip. We had each had around 3 drinks each and were already feeling dizzy.

"Alright, follow me," Without any warning he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bar. He dragged me to the motorcycle and put me on. He started it up and sped out of there.

"Where are we going Tavi?" I asked, resting my head on his back.

"It's a surprise amiga!" He went faster on the motorcycle, up and down hills, around curves, he never slowed down. Before I knew it were back at the hill, a familiar place where practically everything began. He sat me down and he walked to the edge of the cliff and did something I didn't expect. He jumped. Naturally I ran to the edge to look but he bounced back and landed on the cliff.

"I thought you died," I laughed.

"Me? Die? I survived my legs getting blown off, this won't kill me!" He chuckled and grabbed my hand. He picked me up and held me. "Ready hermosa?" I nodded my head and we both fell off the cliff, him still holding me we landed on the soft jump pad. When we sprung back up he let me go but still held my hand. We both jumped making funny faces and doing dumb stuff together. Finally after jumping for awhile we sat back down on the cliff and talked for awhile.

"I've thought about my ultimate," I said looking at him.

"Well, what did you pick?" He asked.

"I figured I could use the dog we found, for the Passive my footsteps can't be heard, for the tactical the dog could go out and scout the area, and lastly the ultimate, the dog could fight with me," I looked down and played with the grass in front of me.

"I think that sounds awesome amiga!" Octavio shouted. We talked about random topics and were enjoying each other's company.

I had really been enjoying the night then Octavio did something I didn't expect. He stood up and helped me to my feet, he put his had on my lower back and pulled me closer to him. He took his other hand and gently placed it on my neck. He pulled me closer and kissed me. He drew back and looked at me.

"Hermosa," He said.

"Tavi," I whispered under my breath. "How long have you known?"

"Known what amiga?" He asked confused.

"Known that you loved me," I looked at him sheepishly.

"Since the day I laid eyes on you," He pulled me back into another kiss. This one lasting longer than the last. "How about we head back home?" He winked and pulled me to the motorcycle and we rode home.

When we got back we both changed clothes and laid down.

"Tavi," I asked.

"What's wrong?" He said rubbing my shoulder.

"I love you," I told him, resting my head on his chest.

"I love you to," He kissed my forehead and wrapped me in a hug. We both slept good that night. That's how I fell in love with Octavio Silva, everything about him was perfect. He was respectful, beautiful, caring. He was amazing, and I couldn't wait to live my life with him.

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