moonlight / chapter 6

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I woke up to being close to someone. It was still dark outside but it was cold. I opened my sleepy eyes and noticed I was laying on Octavio. He had one arm wrapped around me and the other to his side. I didn't want to move but I knew we couldn't stay here all night.

"Tavi?" I asked softly.

That nickname. Where did it come from and why couldn't I stop saying it.

(Octane pov)

I like it when she calls me that, I like the way she says my name, I just want to hear her say it again.

"Ah hey Amiga," I laughed.

"We should probably get back to the house," She was still laying on me but was talking to me.

Am I still drunk? It's only been an hour, I feel normal through.

"Come on Amiga let's get back to the house," She got up and I helped her get to her feet. She was still half asleep, we got on the bike and she tightened her arms around me. I got butterflies every time she did that. We made it back to the house and she was fumbling a lot on her way there.

She's tired. I thought.

I helped her to my bedroom.

"Can I change real quick?" She asked.

"Of course," I closed the door, and it only felt like a few minutes and she was already in her pajamas, she had kept the hoodie on. I changed into mine as well. "Hey can I sleep with you?"


"Sure," She yawned sleepily. She got on one side of the bed and I got on the other. It didn't take her long to quickly fall asleep. She was beautiful, everything about her was. She was perfect. It didn't take her long to flip over and face me and slowly nudge herself closer. I gave in and held her tightly. She put one arm around me and tightly hugged me, I didn't usually like situations like this, but with her it felt nice. Almost as on command she sat up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Buenas noches, hermoso," She mumbled, pulling herself closer. None of my past girlfriends or interests were like this, I got bored of them and they were just boring in general, but her, she was different. She even learned Spanish. She really was perfect, I had known that since I saw her.

(Your pov)

I hope I didn't completely botch that pronunciation. I thought to myself. I can't believe I did that. Totally out of character. But I liked it, I'm proud of myself. I nuzzled myself closer to Octavio and let sleep over come me, the bed was softer than the grass. And his hoodie was soft, comfortable, and was perfect to fall asleep in.

(Sorry about short chapter! Next one will make up for it ;))

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