Chapter 21

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Naruto looked at his phone for the fifth time within the hour. "He said that he would call when he was done." Sasuke said. "These projects take time, you know."

Naruto sighed, "I know but it's getting late already." He leaned back into the couch in obvious discomfort. "I'm just used to him answering the phone right away." He lamented, caressing the disproportionate mound.

"Hn. Probably has the music on listening to Bronze Whale or Daft Punk. Mr. music gurú, remember?" Taking a seat on the couch beside his friend.

"Yeah. No doubt dancing more than painting." Naruto gave a small laugh because everyone knew how much the Hyūga loved his music. Always has.

Sasuke watched a wince cross the other's features. "You doing okay?"

Naruto nodded, stroking over the smooth soft cotton material. The baby moved in response to the touch, causing Naruto to grunt as he felt a foot digging into his appendix before grimacing in pain and pressing his hands to the sides of his stomach near his hips where he received a particularly hard kick. He left out a shaky breath when they finally calmed down. "Let's just say, Monday can't come soon enough." He said somewhat breathless, opening his eyes and peering down to his precious little passengers as he resumed rubbing circles over his sides. He was 37 weeks and three days into his pregnancy. His schedule was changed from three days ago due to someone needing an emergency c-section.

Naruto picked up his phone again and frowned. It was unlikely the detective to be radio silent, if anything he normally felt like the brunette would call him at every second.

"I'm going to head home. It's been a long day and I'm tired." Hating to admit it considering they did nothing all day but watch movies and play cards. He slowly tried to stand but he ended up leaning against the armrest of the sofa. Between the pressure from the position of a fetus sitting low on his hips and pelvic bone and the weight of the other one pressing into his ribs and spine every attempt seems futile.

"And you wanted to go to the zoo?" Sasuke couldn't keep the smirk out of his tone, snickering as the blonde sat back in defeat seemingly a bit breathless.

"Shut up." He reprimanded as he tried to gracefully adjust the lilac maternity top that barley hung loose enough over his stomach but he refused to purchase more clothing this late into the pregnancy doubtful that he would reach another week anyway. To wear normal clothes was something on his get back into shape list even if it meant exercising everyday. Naruto held out a hand waiting patiently for the raven to take it in his then holding it against the large bump. One of the twins instantly reacted to the invasion squirming and nudging against the paler's palm. The womb was stretched to full capacity and his crush looked to be miserable most of the time. The baby prodded at him again as if wanting some acknowledgment. "Hey there little one. Did you want to go to the zoo, too?" He couldn't help the teasing tone escaping his lips. "Your momma really likes that place, you know. That and the carnival." Naruto smiled at the paler as fond memories of their summers spent going to those places and the beach entertained his mind.

"Why don't you give him at least another hour?" Sasuke suggested standing at the sound of the oven timer going off and going to the kitchen to take the cookies that they had made earlier out of the oven.

Naruto shrugged and watched him retreat before taking a deep breath with some difficulty, he kneaded his knuckles into the part of his belly that the baby was directly under. "Come on little one, get out of my ribs..." He said pressing the heel of his palm into his upper belly. His baby boy seemed to respond to his voice and gave another sharp jerk against his lungs, causing him to flinch. "Your being quite stubborn today..." He lightly scolded, but he couldn't impugn them too much, it had to be cramped in there, not much room for them to be tumble weeds like before. He slowly rose to his feet, unexpectedly stumbling. He quickly reached a hand out to steady himself against the wall. He had noticed that his balance had worsened a day ago and Neji had passingly said something about it as well.

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