I Hate Lacy

18 0 1

March 4

Okay so this morning, Jadyn walked into class crying. Guess why? Lacy had said something really mean to her. She'd called Jadyn ugly WHEN SHE IS ANYTHING BUT UGLY!! It's a good thing Ms. Dolly was there this morning (she'd been there because we thought we were having chapel and she could hear Mady sing, but it got cancelled), and Ms. Dolly, who is Jadyn's aunt, comforted her.

I felt so bad for JJ, because that Lacy must really be a b*tch to make her cry like that. After Ms. Dolly left the room, Katie and Caitlyn were planning on beating Lacy up later, but then my friends decided to just be nice to her. If she keeps being mean, we will end up beating her up.

I hate it when people are rude to my friends and make them cry.

Xoxo~ M

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