We Had Fun Today..

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March 5

So earlier me, Aunt Becca, Riley, Timmy, Sheyenne, Enna, Brienna, Portia, Charlene, Mrs. Scarletissa, Mrs. Stacissa, Isica, Ms. Dolly, Karilee, Brad, Jadyn, Anabelle, Madeline, Life, Marina, Katie, Caitlyn, Lynn, Mario, and I played in the snow with the puppy. (He's a real puppy, not imaginary.)

Life, Madeline, and I tried to make a snowman but we couldn't even get one ball to stick. So we gave up. Enna made a snow angel.

I also dumped icy water on Timmy's head.

I had fun playing with Karilee because she is so cute and I had a good time with her. She giggled when I swung her around and then I tried to hang from a tree and hold KK at the same time, but it didn't work and she slipped but she didn't get hurt and was laughing. I also tickled her and it surprised her, and her face was priceless (and adorable). She's the cutest 2-year-old I've ever met.

Another thing that was fun was throwing snow at Rebel, the little puppy. I told Charlene and Timmy that i was going to do a magic trick by turning Rebel from black to white, and I threw snow at him. Timmy said, "That's not a magic trick," and walked off. Haha.

Timmy was standing on the small rocky hill pretending to be the king (typical 5-year-old boy behavior) and he would pretend to shoot people every time they came over there. Aunt Becca told him to stop acting like he was killing people. I guess she thinks that if he does that, he will end up being a murderer when he grows up.

In other news, Life and Madeline started wrestling each other in the snow, and Enna got upset because we messed up her snow angel.

After we came in, Katie, Caitlyn, and I made the poster for the Fiona Uan tomorrow. It's really nice, and Marissa S. will be here instead of me, so she will most likely update this while she's here.

Xoxo~ M

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