School's FINALLY Out!!

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May 28

Last day of school!! Yay!! My imaginary friends and I just had to take two more exams and now we're done. Enna and Timmy got to have field day in the gym with the elementary kids since they're in elementary school. They got to jump on the blow ups and everything. Then when exams were over, we went to sign out and go home, and in our case we were walking to Grandpa's apartment. Our legs and feet were hurting but we made it. Anabelle was carrying Charlene on her shoulders because CC didn't want to walk. When we got there, Ms. Scarletissa and Martissla were sitting outside waiting for us and Enna asked Ms. Scarletissa to carry her in because she was tired of walking. Timmy wanted someone to carry him in, too, and Martissla picked him up and we entered Grandpa's room where he was resting, and I got him up and read a book with him and then soon, we had lunch. My siblings and friends were running in and out of the room and they mostly were roaming the building, and we were having fun at Grandpa's. We had dinner with him, too. We left after 5:30, and our friend Eloise (pronounced Eee-loyss) came over. She is a singer, and my cousin Nora once wrote the chorus of a song for her. Nora was 11.

Brienna and I were banging on the piano later and Ms. Scarletissa was telling us to stop. We were surprised our mom didn't wake up and start yelling at us.

Xoxo~ M

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