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The Late Empress, Her Royal Majesty Choi Y/N.

Brave, loyal, outstanding, and wise as how her people would dub her. She was loved and praised throughout the nation until this day.

She came from the wealthiest family within the kingdom of Jeongdu— later wedded and wife to the Late Emperor, His Royal Majesty Choi Soobin.

She was raised in a loving and generous home, known to find interest in arts and crafts, and excelled in literature. Using her pedestal, she and her family have lent countless of hands towards the needy and poor. They were widely favored next to the Royal Family. So much that her parents vowed to send her to the palace as soon as she reaches the age of 19 in hopes to sit on the throne.

And she did.

Emperor Soobin and Empress Y/N, they treasure each other. Together, they ruled the dynasty. During their reign, everything was prosperous and orderly; it was said to be the "Gem of all Eras".

However, as pleasant and grand as it may sound, Empress Y/N did not have an easy route to the throne. Regardless of her privilege, she was almost banished— worse, executed.

Not all people knew about the controversies that lied behind the tall walls of the palace.

Despite all, Her Majesty was driven with determination and love for her people.

She knew she got what it takes to have the crown.

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