Chapter 6: Eenie Minnie

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~Zia's POV~

"I think we're here."

"It does look like the street from the TV. Rafflesia St."

"You're right! Come on, let's take a closer look."

"Wait- is that your dad?!" We saw my dad go under the caution tape and near mom's car.

"Weird. Why aren't there any cops? Isn't this like a no-one's-allowed-to-go area?" Siri asked.

"I'm not sure but something's clearly wrong."

"Is he...crying?" I thought about our whole situation. "What is that?" Dad picked up something from the driver's seat.

"That's mom's wedding ring."

"What's with the paper?"

"I don't know...Dad, didn't want me gone...but I'm sure there's something else going between him and Lynn concerning me."

"Why do you think that?"

"Lynn told me that I wasn't wanted and things like that. It's either she was planning something for me or she's one of the bad guys."

"I seriously have no idea what you just said."

"Just- arghhh- stay low. You gotta find out what's really happening here."

"What are we gonna do now?" My dad disappeared and we were left alone.

"Go to his office."

~Adrien's POV~


"Adrien, calm down I-"

"Calm down?! You're seriously telling a FATHER to calm down while his daughter and his wife are out there knowing there'd be evil people looking for them."

"I'm sure we'll find them by today."

"Waze, that's what you said yesterday. My wife has been missing for 24 hrs and my child's been gone for half the day! It's almost nighttime. Where would she sleep? What will she eat?"

"Adrien, you have to calm down." Bella said.

"We'll find them." Adonis added.

"I found this..." I showed them Eva's wedding ring. "...on the driver's seat of her car."

"Wait, what's written on the paper?" Bella asked.

"eenie minnie miney moo: sWeet wifey oR cute bAby? tick tock. - ;D" Everybody stood there, speechless.

"What do we do?..." Lou asked.

"We're gonna find my girls."

"I'll call in some gifted to help us." M.
Waze offered.

"John and I will look for more notes from the scene."

"We'll look into some streets around the incident." Helix said with her arm around Lou.

"Yeah, she shouldn't have gone far unless, someone helped her or...yeah." Lou replies.

"Ryder, you talk to some animals near the scene. Maybe they have some information about incident." She nodded.

"Kai, stay at TAC. We need someone to manage while we're all gone." Adonis ordered.

"What-? Why do I have to be the one left? My powers are like- "strong" strong. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, but we can't leave our work for this. We need at least one to manage the club."

"Pssh fine fine. Selena, all of you, be careful. Just call me if you ever need anything."

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