Chapter 4: Like Mother, Like Daughter

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~Adrien's POV~

"Mentor Waze! I got Nova. What do we need to do?"

"Nova, we need you to track down Eva."

"Ok but I have to do this quick. I have to take care of the press and media."

"Just- do it." I replied. She held on the table in front of where she's standing and closed her eyes.

"I can't see anything." Her brows touched as she wrinkled her forehead with confusion and anger.

"Try again. Harder."

"I am!"

"Focus, Nov!" She sighed heavily and stopped.

"What are you doing?!"

"Look, Adrien, I'm trying! I can't sense her anywhere. Everything's just dark."


"Adrien, enough! We'll try something else." Waze sounded awfully worried. We all do.

"Wait, where's Zia?" I looked around to see only Serenity and Serena sitting alone.

"Ren, where is she?"

"She just used the bathroom. She should be back by now. I'll go get her."

I just sat on the chair with my elbows attached to my knees and palms stuck on my face. "Waze, what do we do?"

"I...don't know."

"Arghh. I tried calling her, we tried looking her up Nova's vision- Nova, any update on the evidences?"

"Not yet. I'm calling John again."

"What about the witnesses?"

"I'm still not sure...I'm gonna call Charlize too."

"Thank you. Zia needs to go home."

"But don't you think she's safer here?" M. Waze answered.

"I know but I can't just let her stay here."

"Why not? There are thousand of gifted students here and angels. This place is the only-"

"Eva's the strongest among us all. If-" I sighed. "Whoever took Eva has every power to take over this place. Now, the first place they'd feel like looking for my daughter is here. I can't risk that."

He took time to think but after some time, I got my answer. "I understand. I'll be sending two of my best men to take care of her there."

"And I'm sending Lynn. I don't want her to feel too uncomfortable with the security overload."

"Then it's settled. Go on." Zia, Ren, and Siri came in, just in time. I opened a portal to our living room and pointed them the way.

"Hop on." I grabbed Zia by the shoulders and kneeled before her. "Pumpkin, I'm so sorry. Daddy's gonna fix this but right now...I want you to stay with them in our house. There'd be two angels looking after you and Siri and Mrs. McKenzie and- and Lynn, ok?" I tried holding back the tears in my eyes and hugged my daughter. "Go..."

"Ren, call me if something happens."

"I will."

She hopped in the portal and I immediately closed it as soon as everyone got in, including the guards. I opened another portal near the crime scene.

"Don't stop until you find her."

"You can count on me."

~Waze's POV~

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