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(for your information: you can see September #3 as an alternative ending:) for those who don't want to continue reading it anymore)


I went to a party tonight. Val dressed up and got ready. She looked so good tonight. Like - wow. Avery came over too and picked us up at the door. We went over to Mia's house and went inside. Everybody welcomed us and threw a beer at us.

„Are you ready to Party?", Mia screamed and started to dance

Time went by and i already felt kinda dizzy. Pyper was here too. We've become really close friends after we broke up and she got down next to me.

„Good to see you McMamas", she laughed and i did too

We talked about everything and all of a sudden i looked up. My eyes crossed someones eyes and i would recognize them in a crowd of a million people. I was completely shook and didn't move a muscle. Pyper shaked me and asked me what's wrong. I looked at her.

„It's Anna. Anna is here. I-", i couldn't even finish my sentence until she stood right in front of me

Pyper looked at her and Anna looked at Pyper.

„Hey Ag.", now she was looking at me

I felt like i'm about to collapse. I felt the sweat on my forehead and my mouth dried out. I never met Anna for 1 year now. Everything felt so wrong and all the memories started to flash back in my mind. I didn't bring out one word

„Uhm, i see. If you want to talk i'm over there", and with that words.. Anna left again

I started to feel a cold breeze coming over me. I was still completely shook.

„Ag. You won't talk to her. You're staying with me. I got you okay?", Pyper said and pulled me into her arms

I still couldn't say a word but i felt safe when Pyper was with me.. but my feelings were so wrong and so right at the same time. I didn't know what to do..

AHHHH GUYS, i missed y'all so much:) feels good to be back. After writing a german Fanfiction.. i felt like i need to continue this baby. I hope you are as hyped as i am.
- celina

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