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POV Anna:

It was 2am and we were on our way to this adress. When we came closer we saw that it was an old abandoned factory. It had big windows that were broken and it looked like a bad scary movie.

„BOO" i jumped away

Celina laughed at us. I punched her shoulder because i nearly had a heart attack. She handed us black storm masks and we put it on.

„We're going in there. Don't make too much noise." she held her finger against her lip and started walking towards a little hole in the wall. We went inside and there she was. Heather. I wanted to scream something to her until i felt a arm grabbing me from behind and a hand on my mouth. I started to panic.

„Anna, calm down it's just me. Be quiet please." celina said and let go of me

She rubbed my back and started to walk towards heather. I really thought celina trapped us and we're about to get kidnapped. We were just some meters away from heather but suddenly celina stopped. We didn't make a noise. Celina started to walk slowly forward and grabbed heather from behind. Heather tried to scream.

„Shh shh." celina said and covered heathers mouth

A few seconds later heather was tied to the chair. Celina stood in front of heather now and looked down to her.

„Long time no see." she looked into heathers eyes and laughed.

Me and ag got to celina and saw the fear in heathers eyes. She was shaking and to be honest - i felt a little sorry for her.

„WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" heather sat there and tried to get rid of the rope around her hands

She started to scream Haileys name but hailey wasn't there.

„Oh your little girlfriend didn't show up hm?" celina lifted up her mask

„Celina.." heather said and a tear went down her cheek

„Fear number one. Being held hostage." celina said and got down on her knees

„Why are you doing this?" heather stuttered

Celina threw an empty glass bottle against the wall that left a loud noise in the hall. Heather was scared now.

„You destroyed so many people. You destroyed them. All because of your ego! Think about Anna & Ag. You can't see people happy. You hate it. You hate yourself. Don't you know what you're doing to these people?" celina said

ag took her mask off and heather looked in her face

„Fear number two. Being confronted." ag said and got down on her knees too

„Please let me go now. Please." heather begged

I took off my mask too and went to them. Heather looked at ag, then at celina and back to me. I tried to talk to celina and ag

„Let her go." celina tried to tell me not too but i opened up the rope to let heather go

Maybe she learned her lesson now. But as soon as i opened it up heather kicked her foot into celinas face and jumped on ag. She got on top of her and punched her. Ag catched her fists and threw her off. I didn't think heather would do something like that. She looked at me and started running up to me. I already felt her punch on me but then celina jumped in on her from the side and pushed her down on the ground. Ag ran up to me and got in front of me.


Heheheheheheh interesting.

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