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Pyper went to get us drinks until i felt a hand grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. I couldn't see who it was. When I heard the door shut down I flipped a light switch next to me. Not a second went by until i recognized who it was. I stepped back and looked into Anna's eyes. I tried to grab the door handle but i couldn't move a muscle.

„Why are you so shy? You never were like that?", Anna said and rolled her eyes back

I took a deep breath

„You know Anna? We ended things for a reason.", i said and looked at her

„I wish we didn't", Anna said and just stood there

My heart was racing now and i tried to catch my breath again. This was unreal. Why did i feel like this? Why couldn't I control myself?

„I'm with Val you know?", I said and tried to not look at her

„You don't look too happy with Val to be honest. I never saw her by your side tonight - you're just chilling uhm with your ex", anna crossed her arms

„Yes and now i'm chilling with my other ex or what?", Anna looked at me

She didn't say a single word. Not one. She just looked at me. I felt her finger on my chin. She turned my head so I looked straight into her eyes. It felt so familiar and it wasn't a bad feeling. But actually it was. Anna wasn't wrong.. Val wasn't with me all night long. I felt Anna pulling me into her arms. Our Faces were separated by a few millimeters only. It felt so wrong but yet so good. What should i do now. Anna's Hands were right in my neck and i felt her breath against my lips.

POV Pyper:

I came back from getting us drinks and Ag was gone. This is not good. It's NOT good. I looked around but didn't find her anywhere. Val wasn't there either. Maybe she is with Val. My looks went through all the people but Anna also wasn't there. Now i'm worried.  If she - I couldn't think straight. Everything could be possible now. Maybe Anna left? Maybe Val left? Maybe Ag left? Maybe Ag is with Val? Maybe Ag is with Anna? Oh no. Oh hell no. I asked the people around if they saw them but no one could give me an answer. My head started to freak out.. I needed to find Ag. NOW. The garden! My feet carried me outside but - no one was there. Just Mia and her girlfriend. They didn't see them either. Where is this girl? I checked every room now - but one. My hand grabbed the door handle and pressed it down.

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