Where the hell am I?!

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May 17, 2006, USS Oriskany was sunk as part of a pilot program to create artificial reef. He was rest below of the ocean until a big purple portal sudden appear and start to suck Oriskany in. 

USS Oriskany was in another world, but with an unexpected of a location, and becoming a human. He has greyish white hair, red eyed young boy. His outfit is similar to Intrepid, but wears ripped pants on his knee, a robe similar to Hornet but cyan blue colored on the stripe of the robe, Hull Identification CV=34 and wore and 2 american flag of Bandana and bandana mask . His riggings is similar to Shangri-la but seperated into 4 like Intrepid. Instead of 1 Eagle, he will get 1 Eagle AND 1 Falcon

Oriskany: *slowly woke up* ...hm.. Urgh.. What the hell am I... I was suppose to be with fishes as their new home.. *sudden realization* What the fuck?! How the heck im floating?! How am I a human?! ... Ahh fuck it *coughs coughs like an old man* urgh.. *look at his riggings* Hm.. looks like a riggings, based on my ship huh... rusty as usual heh..  I wonder my aircraft- *sudden appears on his right hand* Oh! F-35 Lightning II... F/A-18E Super Hornet... E-2 Hawkeye aaannnddd AH-64 Apache... Wait... How the fuck I'm gonna launch the jets if my flight deck is rusty as hell? Except the helicopter of course...

Oriskany: *look up the sky* Two birds...

The Two birds starts to land both Oriskany's shoulders, one of them represents an Eagle and one of them represents a falcon.

Oriskany: Cool... *look at my left hand* 2 American Flags... Oh well I'm gonna fold it as a bandana on my head and a bandana mask, that makes I'm pure American haha! *coughs harder* .. f u c k. Well, let's explore then..

Oriskany has started his journey by sailing to random Location, Little more he know that he suddenly realize that he's at the Pacific Ocean.

Oriskany: ... Why the pacific looks cleaner than before.. I have a bad feeling about it..

It's been 3 hours he's sailing, hell he don't even know where he's going until he encountered Two Unknown Carriers and a weird warships with black colored and red stripe with it.

???: What do we have here hm?~ 

???: A boy?! How is that even possible?

Oriskany: Ah, shit.

???: No matter, judging by the looks, you must be Eagle Union. Come with us or we'll destroy.

Oriskany: Eagle what? Oh hell no! I ain't gonna get capture yet!

Oriskany ran away from his position from where he sail, while the 2 Unknown Carrier chase him.

???: Don't run~ We just need an information, that's all~

Oriskany: Hell no! I don't even know anything! 

???: Well you're a only a boy in this world, then Join us~

Oriskany: Like hell I join ya! *Launch Ah-64 Attack helicopter and starts to shoot the missile at them*

???: What the?! Watch out!-

The 2 carriers barely dodge the attacks, in response they launch their dive bomber and torpedo bomber at Oriskany.

Oriskany's thoughts: Fuck! Those planes are from the 1940's.. This must be I transported to another world of World War II But humanized! Hell I need a break loose this shit! Fire the CIWS!!

Oriskany activated his Rusty CIWS and starts to fire incoming aircraft near him, some of the plane was devastated by his anti-aircraft.

???: What?! How is that even possible?!

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