34th Strike Force Here We Go-... Enterprise..? Alright.

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Enterprise: One battle ends, and another begins..

A magnificent sight seeing as the Azur Lane Combine Fleet sails to the Upcoming Battlefield.

Q.E: It's about time they showed up, this is the fleet I have been expecting.

Wales: It's just not our own Your Majesty, it appears that the fleet has combine with Eagle Union.

Hood: This is indeed an astounding view, and certainly quite promising.

Warspite: This fight I'm sure.. will be decisive..

Wales: Not only them, even the new fleet has created, a striking force led by Oriskany himself, sails between us and Eagle Union's fleet.

Q.E: Ah yes! He's the one who's gonna make the first strike isn't it?

Warspite: According to Commander's order, then yes.

Q.E: Then we shall see soon!

Oriskany POV

Oriskany: Quite promising fleet! I like it! Ever since I got refit, new armaments really is overpowers the ship itself!

New Jersey: Pride much ehh?~

Oriskany: Of course! This is the Fleet I want to create ever since I was built after all!

Repulse: An offensive fleet...

Renown: Well, we're the ones who's going to make the first moves.

Victorious: I can't wait!~

Oriskany look behind him, seeing Monarch approach the Capitals ships.

Oriskany: First time being an offensive, Monarch?

Monarch: It seems so..

Oriskany: *chuckle* No worries, I picked you for nothing. You have potential, Monarch. It's just the Higher-ups overshadowed you by someone else, but I promise, this will be our first strike towards the Sakura. Do your best.

Monarch: Many thanks Oriskany, I'll try my best.

Maryland: It's about time! I bored to death by doing support stuff!

Eagle: Well, it's a miracle that Oriskany picked us, would be in the offensive fleet isn't bad at all.

Meanwhile... at Oriskany's superstructure of the ship..

Montpelier: As the knight of the sea, we are second to none!

Denver: And there's no way we're gonna let our big sister down!

Columbia: Think maybe we can relax for a little bit? Everyone was so tense I swear we're gonna snap in two.

Cleveland: Yeah she's right! So let's try to release some steam today. No one wants a breakdown.

Cleveland sisters: Right!

Biloxi: To think Birmingham and Biloxi got picked to be in an offensive fleet *laughs*

Cleveland: Ehe..~ He found the list of us that is available, so he picked us to be in it. He's our flagship now!

Birmingham: You're right. He's really excited with pure determination.

Denver: Well, don't underestimate him! He's gonna make his first move!

Cleveland: Yeah, I wanna see what's his first move!

Independence: Me too.

San Francisco: Me three!


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