Capture the Rap!st!

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Oriskany POV

Well, It's been a week I join Azur Lane under Eagle Union camps, knowing the girls better and such more. Whenever at a night time, Why Helena META want's to sleep with me everytime... I don't care about that, but all I care that someone might see us! I don't mind it though, at least I can touch his soft "assets"- WAIT WAIT WAIT WHY AM I LIKE A FUCKING PERVERT NO NO N ON O N OPN ON ON ON NNO-

Tomorrow's morning...

Oriskany's thoughts: Morning... and Helena sleeping on me...adorable though.. wait.. s h i t.

Little did he knew his left hand is on her butt, Oriskany is screaming inside and having dirty thoughts. He suppose to be a fighter, not a pervert. He can feel at the center of it... not wearing anything... completely bottomless... he didn't noticed that Helena META woke up.

Helena META: Hm... *feels something* I.. knew you'd think twice doing it...

Oriskany: N-not my fault you always sleep with me.. I'm a heavy sleeper, I might.. cuddle someone.. or worst of all, you didn't even wear anything.. *blushed really hard*

Helena META's thoughts: ... Even if I read his mind... he's right.. He didn't realize his actions during the night.. *sighs* He's a heavy sleeper.. At least he's not like other boys.. I.. want to be with him.. He's the one who wash my anxiety and distrust away.. He's different than everyone else..

Helena META: I... let it slide for now... there's one thing I want to talk to.

Oriskany: W-what is it?

Helena META: I've found Souryuu's last known location, I might not be talking with you for a while.

Oriskany: O-oh..

Helena META: I'll be going.. Yorktown and you are expected me on arrival next week or so, understand?

Oriskany: Understood. Be careful out there.. 

Helena META gives a kiss on his cheek and a hug, as a temporary goodbye. Gives Oriskany a little bit of slight red on his cheek. She vanishes with a small blue particles..

Oriskany: She's really is something huh... it's good to be with her... how do I want to ask her out though... nevermind, morning routine, here I come!- *falls down from a hammock* ...ow...

... TIME SKIP ...

After Oriskany had breakfast at the cafeteria, his name was called by the commander along with Enterprise, Cleveland and Hornet.

While Oriskany on the way, he noticed there's a building, more like a prison cell right beside the store, he caught his attention and curiousmess...

Oriskany went to  the Commander's room very last, where's Commander Anderson, ???, Prince of Wales, Belfast, ???, Cleveland, Enterprise, Hornet, Vestal, Illustrious, ??? and ???.

Oriskany: Sorry I'm late, I kinda got lost and went from every destination.. 

Hornet: Pftt..

Anderson: It's okay, Oriskany. It was my fault that I forgot to tour you at the base. I want you to meet my partner, Secretary Commander Jones.

Jones: Pleasure to meet you Oriskany, it is my first time seeing you as a male too.

Oriskany: Pleasure to meet you too Jones, well it's my first time seeing myself as a human after all.

Anderson: Pft.. Anyways, There, 3 more girls that you need to introduce since they are recovering from recent sortie.

Oriskany: I see, I'm Oriskany, 17th ship of Essex Long Hull Class Carrier, goes by CV-34.

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