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Its been a week after the operation occurred at the Abandon Island. After they've arrived the base, Oriskany was declare as a MVP, but he's not surprised by it, he immediately went inside his ship and knocked out at his hammock due to exhaustion.

Tomorrow Morning...

Oriskany: *Yawns* Urgh... what a sleep.. *noticed* Oh? She came back.. heh, adorable..

Helena META returned from her mission and sleep on Oriskany. Judging by her face, she failed the mission again. She woke up from her sleep.

Oriskany: Morning sunshine~

Helena META: Mhmm... morning..

Oriskany: What's wrong?

Helena META: ...nothing.

Oriskany: *Sighs*

Oriskany gives her a warm, as she slight red with a depressed face, she hugged back.

Oriskany: It's okay if you fail to get her.. We have more time to make strategic movements, next time, Yorktown and I will assist you. But not now, we still have more time..

Helena META: ... mhmm..

Oriskany witness something very surprising. That he saw her eyes.. is getting little bit of emotions, made him relief little bit for now.. but what made him feel more shock as hell that she knew his weakness, his neck is sensitive to Oriskany, she lick his neck, makes him full red tomato

Oriskany: H-hey! S-Stop that..!

Helena META: Mhm.. *licks more*

Oriskany: W-what do you want..?! I'll do it anything just stop doing that...!

Helena META: Anything I want?~

Oriskany's thoughts: Holy fuck! Since when did she went bold and flirty?!

Helena META gives a quick kiss on Oriskany's lips and quick break it as she fading with blue particles saying "I'll tell you later..~", which makes him even more red than ever.

Oriskany: ... Y.E.S!

... TIME SKIP ...

Oriskany went to Cafeteria for breakfast... and stopped because hearing Vestal and Hornet coming to Cafe too.

Oriskany: Hey Hornet!

Hornet: Yo! 

Vestal: Morning, Oriskany!

Oriskany: Morning to you too! Come on to the cafe, I'm hella starving.

Hornet: Let's goo!~

Oriskany, along with Hornet and Vestal went to the Cafe, and towards the counter.

Oriskany: Nevada, I want food just like last time!

Nevada: Alright! Comin' right up!

Hornet: Make it 2 Nevada!

Nevada: Alright, sure!

Vestal noticed there's Enterprise with Belfast.

Hornet: *yawn* Hm? What's up?

Vestal: It's nothing.. I might thinking... that Enterprise might have changed a bit.

Oriskany: Well I'll be damn. Come there's a spot there.

Vestal: Ah- yes, let's go Hornet.

Hornet: Hmm.

2 Hours later...

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